How do you syncronize your OP-1 with other equipment?

Yeah, I thought that was the whole point of aoplab as well…

Continuing this old thread…
I have an iPad running midibridge and I want to use the op-1 sequencers to drive other midigear. Have no kentonbox or oplab etc… When i hook up the op-1 via a powered USB hub it shows up in midibridge and sends out notes but only intermittently, and another weird thing that happens is that when i press a key on either the op-1 or the other synth connected, a note is played and when I release another note is sounding. Happens on the volca keys and the microbrute the same… Think the doubbletriggering is causing the intermittent playing when using the sequencer. Anyone experienced something like this or has some advice on using the iPad as a USB midi host with the op-1? Could the problem be the cck connection?
Any help appreciated :slight_smile:

Sounds like you might need to turn off usb charging in the com menu.

Tried that… It works better when driving iPad apps, though still dropping out the ocasional note now and then.