How often do you visit your local library?

Found on reddit, The Ann Arbor District Library:

there is even an op-1 :slight_smile:

Heck…that is actually a great idea!

My local library (5 minute walk from my work) has a music studio, actually found out about it from @xjx, we had a jam session there once.

There’s a Mac workstation with an audio interface, some midi controllers, rack effects, and microphones.

I try to go there once or twice a month, it’s a good place to focus on music (no internet connection!).

But that Ann Arbor library, they have an amazing selection of gear!

I know in mine there is a music room with a piano where you have to ask for the keys…

Those put UK libraries to shame, just a poor selection of bad condition books, some have internet access, some have Job Centres in them for some unknown reason. A Job Centre is like a welfare office/employment centre run by the government.

Those put UK libraries to shame, just a poor selection of bad condition books, some have internet access, some have Job Centres in them for some unknown reason. A Job Centre is like a welfare office/employment centre run by the government.
Makes sense a lot of people with low or no income use the library for Internet access to apply for jobs. So putting that right in the library makes sense. Man, if I could rent a bass station 2 from my library I'd be stoked!