I designed a multichannel video mixer for the OP-Z

I’ve spent a good chunk of this year developing a 90s-style multichannel video mixer Videopak specifically for the OP-Z. It transforms the OPZ into a versatile VJ tool and is geared towards live video performance. I originally made this as a proof of concept as a submission to the Videolab Creators make-a-videopak contest. After many hours of refinement, I’ve finally polished it into release. I hope you enjoy it and make some cool video art with it!


  • 2-deck video mixer with 5 input channels, including webcam input.
  • 10 deck effects per deck with independent parameters LFO modulation
  • 8 tempo-synced LFO waveforms
  • Master Deck with 10 master effects & video titler
  • Tape track-synced video looper
  • Interactive guide inside the Videopak
  • Settings for changing Aspect Ratio
  • 3D Printable T-Bar accessory for optional pro mixer feel
  • 4 Transition types with modifiable parameters
  • Display Calibration

Updates in V2:

-Interactive Guide

-3D Printable T-Bar accessory

-BPM Display

-Improved Import Process on iOS with AssistiveTouch

-Infinite scroll on scrub knobs

-Default values for master effects

-Noise LFO waveform

-Global color calibration

-Video Looper deck

-Overdrive on Saturation and Contrast in Hueshift effect

-UV Warp effect

-UV Glitch effect

-Alpha parameter on Chroma Key for interaction with Feedback Effect

-Aspect Ratio adjustment

-Bug Fixes


Well done, this is really impressive! Definitely pushing the boundaries of the Videopak format here! How does the tbar control work? The volume dial doesn’t send MIDI information, right? How is it detected by the Videopak?

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Thank you! You are correct, it’s not a midi message. There’s a special klak node in videolab that allows you to connect to the some of OP-Zs other non-midi parameters via the app


Wow, is it possible for example activate the Shift button from the screen?


Ive been looking for a way to implement this functionality, but im not sure its possible with the current version of videolab

Very cool, I’ve never noticed that node before. I love your work around for the file import, but it’d be great if a native file picker could be added.

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like a new OS



agreed, Im curious to explore the possibility of piggybacking on the photomatic import scripts


Very cool stuff indeed! Is there a way to leverage the ipad webcam? I did not install the videopak yet, so would be great to know.

Unfortunately I did not manage to load a video. The shortcuts app under ios 16 just gives the file path in a way that does not look like your example (more like the GUI version with / instead of blanks).
Would be great if you could provide a simple demo video so that I can be sure it is not the video format screwing things up…

as someone who’s been hunting for a video mixer for years, this doubles or triples the value of my Z!

i have a ton of questions but first:

  • how did you match the color of your t bar print so well? trial and error?
  • have you tried using a camera trained on the screen to do feedback loops? is there an internal routing that can replicate something similar?
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Same issue here, can’t load any videos via file path on ios 16.

I appreciate all the feedback!

TE recently updated the OP-Z app to version 1.3, which switches from Unity 2018 to 2022. Unfortunately Zedirol no longer is functional in its current state on app version 1.3 due to differences in Unity’s versions and how the video player is implemented, and videos will not load.

It still should be functional in App version 1.2.18 though. It’s possible to downgrade the app via this method if you still want to try it.

This requires a windows computer and the old OPZ app build number

the old opz app build number for 1.2.18 is (843553198)

Ive been working to roll out an update that works with the new OP-Z app, I have the basic functionality mostly working again but still have to do more testing. Hopefully will have this finished sometime soon!


The T-Bar matching was honestly pure coincidence! it is the Tough PLA from a Makerbot Method X printer.

I havent directly tried creating feedback loops with the camera but have noticed the effect during testing. Would be really interested to explore that more

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