A seller on eBay is selling an OP1 that they spilled liquid on accidentally. They bought a replacement keyboard for it and apparently that didn’t work either, and TE told them that “one of the nibs has broken off each of the black strip things”, (not sure what that means, the picture isn’t clear either), and TE also advised them to buy a new circuit board.
How much exactly is “a really cheap price”? Are you experienced in repairing electronic stuff? How much time do you want to invest?
How much exactly is "a really cheap price"? Are you experienced in repairing electronic stuff? How much time do you want to invest?From what I read here, I'd say: stay away, and buy a new one from a retailer that provides a good amount of warranty.
I could get it for a few hundred, I’ve not got much experience in repairing electronics except computers, and I’ve got about 2 months free so if it saves me a few hundred £ I’d be up for it.
How much exactly is "a really cheap price"? Are you experienced in repairing electronic stuff? How much time do you want to invest?From what I read here, I'd say: stay away, and buy a new one from a retailer that provides a good amount of warranty.
This. Don’t touch with barge pole unless it’s REALLY cheap.
How much exactly is "a really cheap price"? Are you experienced in repairing electronic stuff? How much time do you want to invest?From what I read here, I'd say: stay away, and buy a new one from a retailer that provides a good amount of warranty.This. Don’t touch with barge pole unless it’s REALLY cheap.
I found it ridiculous that they put it up for £600 as it is.
Might be worth it if it were only ~$100, otherwise I’d pass.
Might be worth it if it were only ~$100, otherwise I'd pass.
I’m thinking it’s beyond repair because the circuit board isn’t something you can easily replace.
Actually it can be replaced (if you’re comfortable opening it, removing other parts, attaching ribbon cables, etc.); another user posted either here or on reddit about doing so after some part on it failed. Can’t remember how much that board cost from TE, but ~$150 I think?

Actually it can be replaced (if you're comfortable opening it, removing other parts, attaching ribbon cables, etc.); another user posted either here or on reddit about doing so after some part on it failed. Can't remember how much that board cost from TE, but ~$150 I think?The problem is depending on how much & what kind of liquid got in other parts might need replacement. In particular WTF does "one of the nibs has broken off each of the black strip things" mean? :)In the worst case all of the internals might need to be replaced (maybe even that new kbd if the current owner broke something installing it). So that'd be:1. main board $150?2. ui board $903. display ~$100?4. battery (if it shorted due to the liquid) price??5. if the flex cable needs to be replaced that's $456. kbd (if req.) $85unlikely, but still possible:7. connector board $508. speaker $28So potentially > $500 in parts. It might only need a main board, but would you want to risk it? For $100 I would, but even then it might not end up much cheaper than a new op-1.BTW, I got the prices from https://www.ifixit.com/Search?query=teenage&c-doctype_namespace=product which also has links to pictures & instructions for replacing those that they sell.~~~~~~~~~~IMO the current owner should send it to TE for proper repairs (could be very reasonable) and then sell it as a fully working unit for a fair price. Recently the op-1 has been in stock in many places, and can even be had at a discount.
Awesome answer, I’ve decided to not go for it.
Interesting. Those broken black strips are part of the UI board (currently out of stock at ifixit…) but that’s just an $85 fix.
Interesting. Those broken black strips are part of the UI board (currently out of stock at ifixit…) but that's just an $85 fix.I'd still be concerned that he might have damaged other bits, given the broken strips and that he "used a shed load of electrical contact cleaner on it". Some cleaners are pretty hard and might have caused more trouble.I'd definitely play $100 roulette with it though. ;-]
Probably not worth the risk for me personally, but if anyone off here bought it I’d love to see what progress they make.
£600, are they on crack? I got mine used for like £450 last year, have the prices gone up post-brexit?
£600, are they on crack? I got mine used for like £450 last year, have the prices gone up post-brexit?
Well technically all prices go up due to Brexit but it’s all unrelated. I saw one go on eBay for £430 a month ago, then slowly to 500-550, now they’re selling for £680 at the end of bids.
Yeah, that’s nutty for a broken unit.
I saw that unit listed on there. In the linked items was a listing for a perfect condition unit with case and accessories for £650 lol.
Seller trying to recoup as much as possible from an accident that was his/her own stupidity and carelessess.

I saw that unit listed on there. In the linked items was a listing for a perfect condition unit with case and accessories for £650 lol.Obviously the seller is trying to recoup as much as possible but there's no way anyone would buy a broken unit that may not ever work again for that much!!!
Did someone buy it already? I’ve been checking eBay for weeks daily and even now, have not seen any for £650.