Is the OP-Z cool or does it suck?

@manny said:
I think TE has mislead its very very loyal fan base. I have never seen such a bunch of positive and loyal users as the ones on this forum, bravo you guys. TE said the OP-Z would be affordable way back, something between the OP-1 and the PO’s so that’s about 450 euro. Then people were shocked at the 600 euro price tag. Still the faithful stuck with TE. Now we hear that 600 euro is just the starting point of cost for this little machine. The hardware modules will not be cheap and there will be extra cost for synths/effects via the app store, yes you need a apple device for those until we are told otherwise. So there is a release date 30th July… not for you guys! for the select people who are able to be in New York at the right time. The pre order crew will have to wait, how long? Nobody’s knows… I wouldn’t say the OP-Z itself sucks but the way TE have gone about this SUCKS!

Just (as in 15mins ago) spent some of the money I’d saved for the OP-Z on a Novation Circuit. Kinda feel like I’ve now wasted a huge amount of time researching and reading forums about the OP-Z for no reason. Keep checking back here though in the hope that TE change their minds and lower the price!

@manny said:
I think TE has mislead its very very loyal fan base. I have never seen such a bunch of positive and loyal users as the ones on this forum, bravo you guys. TE said the OP-Z would be affordable way back, something between the OP-1 and the PO’s so that’s about 450 euro. Then people were shocked at the 600 euro price tag. Still the faithful stuck with TE. Now we hear that 600 euro is just the starting point of cost for this little machine. The hardware modules will not be cheap and there will be extra cost for synths/effects via the app store, yes you need a apple device for those until we are told otherwise. So there is a release date 30th July… not for you guys! for the select people who are able to be in New York at the right time. The pre order crew will have to wait, how long? Nobody’s knows… I wouldn’t say the OP-Z itself sucks but the way TE have gone about this SUCKS!

Welcome. Did you join the forum just to post this?

Thanks GCF, yep, I wanted to post a comment on this forum.

sounds like it sucks for sure!

Hopefully it doesn’t suck. TE is definitely making a gamble here, and I applaud them for doing so. The industry is not interested in powerful portable gear. That’s why the OP-1 has had zero competition so far. The OP-Z is radical. No one is saying “ho hum” about it because it’s very different from what is out there. It may not suit everyone, and it will be expensive. Why? Because TE isn’t a seasoned company in mass market consumer electronics (like say Korg). They are much more of a boutique manufacturer that happened to come up with the ingenious PO format.

Having said that, the question is whether the market for this $600 portable synth is big enough to sustain the manufacturing of it. We’ll have to see.

I don’t know whether it sucks or not yet but all my TE gears (op-1 and po’s) have been instant fun. That’s worth more than hardware specs for me. The price tag is high but you can’t compare it with anything else because there is nothing like it. I always bring a po or the op-1 with me and I hope the op-z will bring lots of joy too.

I hear ya’ll…i just think its frustrating how they have teased info and how they havent been clear or firm on specs and the op-z’s capabilities and its release. But i remember that the op-1 wasn’t as respected and refined when it first came out as it is now and it was kind of misunderstood too at first…i was on the fence abt the op-z but this video convinced me to try to cop it

This is the best sounding track ive heard using op-z in my opinion.

yeah that’s pretty sick. really cool implementation of the six axis w/the mic input

Yeah but for me it was also not as chip tunish…you cd hear some soul in the machine…i think its gonna be a sick machine…I just think they may have gotten ahead of themselves a lil bit and they are a small company so a lil bit unorganized with stuff as far as advertisement and marketing…but as far as the op-z itself i have a feeling like the op-1 it will be a classic…maybe not at first because the op-1 wasnt at first, but in the end with all the modules and its unique portability it will be crazy and in my opinion well worth the money… i live in nyc so ima try to get to the moma store n get it as soon as it come out…cant wait

I think that we need to just chill a little.

I mean, we are discussing if the OP-Z “sucks” months before the release, based on little evidences and expectations (that we can´t even say that were frustrated, as the product is not available). A fella even created an account/fake here just to spread bad vibes.

Obviously we can discuss the new OP-Z, but I believe that we can do it in a more relaxed atmosphere, like we are all used to do here.

This is not a Kickstarter, Teenage Engineering is “misleading” no one - they aren´t obligated to release their hardware worldwide too.

It would be better to have thousands of OP-Zs around in late July, but if what´s possible to TE logistics is a kind of soft release, it´s better than having no OP-Z at all - or, worse, rushed products, plagued with bugs and industrial problems.

As a side note, where I live there´s no TE distributor, our import taxes are skyrocketing and if the OP isn´t available in Europe in August, I will only get it in 2019 - but I don´t hate Teenage Engineering for this.

Soon we´ll see if the OP-Z will be compatible with our musical projects, workflows and live acts. If it is not, life goes on and we´ll still have TE instruments that we like :slight_smile:

I think for a lot of iOS users without an op1 this is a solid purchase. If you have an op1 and or use droids, there are way better uses of that money. I’m not sure who the portable maestros who sequence 3d and music on a device the size of a tv remote with no screen for $600 are. You could have a maschine mkIII or MPC touch (with an op1 if ya have one) and just not care about video… There are so many other options for music production, synths, and sound designs.

Well said @aeoner

@ThatsTooOP3 said:
I think for a lot of iOS users without an op1 this is a solid purchase. If you have an op1 and or use droids, there are way better uses of that money. I’m not sure who the portable maestros who sequence 3d and music on a device the size of a tv remote with no screen for $600 are. You could have a maschine mkIII or MPC touch (with an op1 if ya have one) and just not care about video… There are so many other options for music production, synths, and sound designs.

I think that electronic music gear is about sound and workflow.

If it sounds right, powerful and open possibilites to your musical explorations, then it’s an amazing piece, word. For me, isnt about the specs, it’s about the mojo - indeed, like the OP-1.

Inspiring industrial sound design can exist in apparentely simple and limited hardware - and high specs synths/sequencers/samplers can just sound dull.

Based on some comments that we see around in gear forums (not the case here), all those worldchangin’ amazing vintage Roland gear would be destroyed in the internet if they were released today, because they are monophonic or dont have this or that waveform or weren’t midi even if midi was already around etc I feel sorry for the TB-303 if it was released in the ~gear scene~ today ?

Based only on the OP-Z specs and videos, as we still cant see it truly in action, with more deep sound and workflow infos, that unit is exactly what I’m searching - and I own a MPC Live, a Digitakt, can sequence with Ableton Live 10 etc

My electronic music production is 100% based and focused on live performance. In my opinion, live performance is much about working with constrains, as more hardware and deeper gear maximizes the possibility of problems and rises the complexity bar to a point where it can impose stress and error.

And I perform sometimes in very precarious and spartan places, with limited space, bad electric systems, humidity, raves that can be raided by the police etc

Based on those premisses, I need light, very portable, fast programming and, if possible, battery powered gear. Packing and unpacking fast is important.

The OP-Z is exactly the kind of gear that i´m looking for: very portable (can´t be smaller without compromising the usability), straigthtforward/objective use (punch ins, quantize, accessible effects), have 4+1 drum tracks (the number of drum tracks that I usually use in lives) and can even sequence light (DMX is very common/accessible today) and videos, if we get projectors.

A live set with a Digitone and the OP-Z can be packed in an ecobag - or free me space for effects boxes or even another compact synth. It´s like gaining a sequencer/drum machine/synth without the physical constrains associated with - something that I can´t have with the MPC, or Maschine or even the Octatrack etc.

I also remember hearing the same about the op-1 when it first came out…that its too expensive, you cd jus get a daw or a ipad thats less expensive and has more plug ins etc. Then people adapted and fell in love with the op-1’s workflow, portability, style and sound…the Roland tr-8s is $599 i believe so i think this is abt the same or better piece of gear…in my opinion op-z better…but i understand ppls frustration also because TE has changed a lot of the specs (which they did specify where subject to change) and the release dates etc…im not criticizing anyone on this forum for skepticism, i get where ya’ll r comin from…i just really believe this is gonna be an awesome piece of gear just like their op-1 and PO’s…you cant front, they have a really good track record as far as quality in their music production equipment. Cant wait until release

@attaka said:
I also remember hearing the same about the op-1 when it first came out…that its too expensive, you cd jus get a daw or a ipad thats less expensive and has more plug ins etc. Then people adapted and fell in love with the op-1’s workflow, portability, style and sound…the Roland tr-8s is $599 i believe so i think this is abt the same or better piece of gear…in my opinion op-z better…but i understand ppls frustration also because TE has changed a lot of the specs (which they did specify where subject to change) and the release dates etc…im not criticizing anyone on this forum for skepticism, i get where ya’ll r comin from…i just really believe this is gonna be an awesome piece of gear just like their op-1 and PO’s…you cant front, they have a really good track record as far as quality in their music production equipment. Cant wait until release

I feel the same, brother.

Hey @aeoner, what do you mean 4+1 drum tracks? Isn’t it just 4?

i think he meant 4x1 drum tracks

kick, snare , high hat, and a sample track

I really want to see an OP1 and an OPZ jamming/synching together. Possibly OP1 being used to control OPZ, and then having OPZ recording to OP1 tape.

@attaka said:
kick, snare , high hat, and a sample track

Exactly: the four drum tracks plus the sample one.