
I hope I’m gonna have time to post one jam until the end of the month ! I’m so busy atm
Anyway I’m watching the jams for the beginning of January, and there’s lot of amazing jams !
Not a bad idea to improve liveskills ; )
Ahaaaaaaa very first time I happen to make a track I can actually call techno !!!
I love this Jamuary idea, it really opened something
A4 + 0-Coast are becoming lovers…
Started mine a few days ago on my YouTube channel thanks to you @cuckoo and you’re right, trawling through all the jams is a real inspiration!
@cuckoo I started doing jams on Instagram but my little girl was born on Jan 4 so I’m dealing with a different kind of jam at the mo
Hey, congratulations mate !!
@cuckoo I started doing jams on Instagram but my little girl was born on Jan 4 so I'm dealing with a different kind of jam at the mo :-)
Thanks guys, funnily enough there’s a dude who rocks OT and AR in the local parents group. I’m finally going to be able to lay my hands on an OT. For now however it’s all about nappies
Shit is getting serious then, eh?
Congrats @lefilou ! Mine was nov. 1st so synth dads of the world unite!
@cuckoo I started doing jams on Instagram but my little girl was born on Jan 4 so I'm dealing with a different kind of jam at the mo :-)
Pooh jam…
Congrats @lefilou !
Thanks lads. I realise now how underrated sleep is. But at the same time I’m fascinated to have a mini me!
Let’s hope for more of my jams towards the end of month. In the meantime I’ll enjoy yours
Managed to sneak one in! Impossible is nothing. Sky is the limit (almost).
Yeah, great vibe!
Congrats @lefilou! Enjoy the early months, you get even less time as they get older!
Good luck and congratulations!
Kids are the most wonderful creatures. I work at a preschool here in Japan. I love their curiousity!
@cuckoo I started doing jams on Instagram but my little girl was born on Jan 4 so I'm dealing with a different kind of jam at the mo :-)
Jam… tell me about it. Congrats mate! I hope you’re getting sleep time soon, he he. Yeah I bet there are many of us synth dads and moms in here.