Hi there,
When playing live, for example with a midi controller for the volumes or filters cutoff, is it possible to tell the Op-Z to “forget” the parameters recorded on the pattern and instead keep those from the current pattern.
For example, if the last time I played pattern 2 I set the bass at volume 50, and now I’m playing pattern 1 with bass at volume 20, I’d like to be able to switch to pattern 2 smoothly by keeping the bass at 20.
I know that I can prevent auto saving parameters so I could for example decide that I set all my volumes at 20 and when switching from one pattern to another I first go back to all tracks at 20 before switching but this is really not ideal.
I could probably use an external controller like puredata to memorize the parameters when playing live and reapply them after switching pattern but I’d like a “computer-less” solution.