Keystep > OP-1

OK guys I think this issue was put to bed. I have a Kenton as stated, this is not an issue. I was merely wondering if the cable I posted would send/receive midi.

PTSowns im not bothered about the functions of Keystep, but there is a big difference between the playability of the keys. OK the OP1 keybed is fine for knocking out quick ideas on my own. However if for example I go around my friends house, I want something a bit bigger to jam with. Not essential, but more ideal. However, as we both have kids space is sometimes a premium and we end up just jamming in the front room with headphones and it’d be nice to just not have to worry about extension leads and power cables.

I am of course talking from an idealistic point if view. My solution will be to use a power pack for the Kenton and Keystep.

Thanks for your input

OK guys I think this issue was put to bed. I have a Kenton as stated, this is not an issue. I was merely wondering if the cable I posted would send/receive midi.

PTSowns im not bothered about the functions of Keystep, but there is a big difference between the playability of the keys. OK the OP1 keybed is fine for knocking out quick ideas on my own. However if for example I go around my friends house, I want something a bit bigger to jam with. Not essential, but more ideal. However, as we both have kids space is sometimes a premium and we end up just jamming in the front room with headphones and it’d be nice to just not have to worry about extension leads and power cables.

I am of course talking from an idealistic point if view. My solution will be to use a power pack for the Kenton and Keystep.

Thanks for your input

IF you can afford it, do what I did… leave the keystep in place , buy a 404sx (400-500$) and just sample op to 404 pads… I’m way happier with that set up for going places . You wouldn’t need anything else

Haha cheers mate. I think il stick with my £99 Keystep and a £10 battery pack!

Hey Lescour, I’m within the walled garden of iOS so not totally sure what’s available for Android but any kind of midi app that can act as host would be a winner, I use MidiFlow on iOS, costs about £4. I tell MidiFlow that I want to route the Keystep midi info to the OP1 over USB and everything is good!

My ‘portable’ setup:
Keystep and OP1 > cheap USB dongle > Apple CCK (or whatever the new one is called) > iPhone or iPad running MidiFlow

Static setup:
Keystep, OP1, everything else > Novation Audiohub > iPad or Laptop

I’m sure you could try and similar combo but not sure what the equivalent Android Camera Connection Kit device would be or what the software would be? Good luck and let us know if you find anything that works well!
the new new apple usb3 camera adapter is nice!
(maybe has been out for awhile but was new to me)

its a bit bigger but has an extra lightning port for charging your phone/pad and supplying extra power to the usb host port

for more elaborate setups, eliminates the need for a powered hub, u can use any hub and supply power/battery thru the camera adapter plus keep your phone/pad juiced so its not dead when you're done jamming. v. handy on the go.