Le Strum

I just wanted to share a photo of the Le Strum. Super easy build, took all of about 2 hours including bathroom breaks. I haven’t used it with the OP1, but it is awesome fun with the Shruthi!



what is it?

It’s a MIDI strum controller. The buttons control the chord, and you play the chords by strumming the metal pad ‘strings’ with the stylus. Its super fun!

Here’s a video of it in action

Like an omnichord.

Good I miss my omnichord sometimes. Is there functionality if you hold notes together? I.e. hold minor and 7th to get minor 7th?

Next on my want list! Looks great!

yep, you can hold notes together to get minor 7th, augmented chords, etc… And it has a bunch of neat little functions too

@xbted or any fam that has a LE Strum, any updates feedback? Still digging it? I have one main question. It seems this is possible but just want to confirm, I can hook it up to two midi devices and use the chord buttons to play chords on one synth and the stylophone to play a lead or bass on a second synth. I have an iPad app that does this, but hate the hassle.

I’m not entirely sure, it’s only got the one MIDI port out, so I’m not sure how that’d work with 2 devices. If you have a way to split the signal, then yeah, I don’t see why not. I sold my Le Strum with my Shruthi around Christmas, but it worked flawlessly and was quite a bunch of fun. Super inexpensive too!

I'm not entirely sure, it's only got the one MIDI port out, so I'm not sure how that'd work with 2 devices. If you have a way to split the signal, then yeah, I don't see why not. I sold my Le Strum with my Shruthi around Christmas, but it worked flawlessly and was quite a bunch of fun. Super inexpensive too!

I think you just need a midi thru on the first device to pass the second midi channel to the next device, then just set each device to midi channel 1 and 2.

Humans are awesome.