LED VU meter not working

I recently noticed that LED VU meter is no longer working/lighting up at all.

Doesn’t show the level nor show my battery charge.

Anyone have this issue before or have any suggestions in fixing it?

I had that happen myself, and just sent it in for repair.

My guess, a ribbon cable that needs to be reseated… but not sure.

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Did it cost anything?
Does TE make the process relatively painless?
How long did it take for them to send it back?

My apologies for the barrage of follow up questions.

No idea, but you can file a ticket on their site. I’m out of warranty anyways, bought it at launch, and the TRRS jack went funky… so second time it is in. That said, it got there last Tuesday, haven’t heard anything back yet for an update… but hopefully I’ll get an update soon and know how much it costs to repair.

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Status update… TE got the package, but had to reach out to see if they had my OP-1 Field. It took about two weeks before they got around to repair it, and had to pay quite a bit for the parts/labor/shipping. Apparently the VU meter repair required a new board. Bummer, but I wanted to have the OP-1 Field in proper working order. Hope I’ll get it back soon!


Thanks for the update! I’m thinking I might just deal with the issue on my end as it doesn’t really change the experience and functionality too much. Still glad to know it’s fixable if I ever change my mind. Hope your device arrives back into your hands quickly and safely!

Fingers crossed it comes back soon…

I ended up deciding to get it repaired because I’d already had a problem with the TRRS HPJ/speaker jack in the past, so it’s possible there was some other issues going on. Not entirely sure why the entire I/o board needed to be replaced… but whatever. I had gotten a launch OP-1 Field, and this is probably in the space of “the price you pay for being an early adopter”. Kind of a bummer, but I do like this goofy and eccentric instrument quite a bit… so I’ll live :smiley:

If I wasn’t using mine so often I would consider doing the same - and probably will at some point.
I haven’t had any issues - but I’m finding myself missing having that LED more and more as time goes on…

So I just not discovered that it’s not just my LEDs that aren’t working - but also the microphone! That’s enough for me to go ahead, suck it up, and send this baby in for repairs. Wonder if yours also had that issue or not - I usually don’t use mine but decided I wanted to mess around with the vocoder - lo and behold - it’s unresponsive. :frowning:

After I’m wrapped up with my battle 90 submission on here I’m gonna go ahead and copy you.

The HPJ right channel and microphone were initially broken (and repaired under warranty). I had suspected it was a ribbon cable… but who knows… anyways… with the VU busted, I imagine it was the entire board that was bad… sigh

Got news it was repaired, and had to pay for it to be shipped back, but no update if it has shipped or anything else yet… it’s a really long turnaround time.