Can you verify and recreate this error?
OS: 14203
1. switch to synth mode
2. load any sampler instance on any of the 8 slots
3. lift this sampler instance and drop it on any of the 8 slots (only when there is no other Sampler instance already) then should happen 4
4. op-1 crashes with error message below - you need to restart it to use again
i had this error only on slot 3, then i formated and reinstalled the firmware to fix this.
saddly after i did this now this bug appears on ALL of the 8 slots.
In the Beta 076 it looks like that its gone now.
I didn’t run through the procedure, but I often (always?) get crashes when lifting a sampler slot and dropping it onto a synth slot. I have made a habit of loading a synth sampler preset before dropping.
“i had this error only on slot 3, then i formated and reinstalled the firmware to fix this. saddly after i did this now this bug appears on ALL of the 8 slots.”
Well if it spreads when you format and reinstall the firmware I’m definitely not going to try and replicate it >.>
I imagine TE just didn’t think that someone would try a lift/drop from a sampler preset to a synth preset.
Have you tried to do a factory reset as well as format and then a reinstall?
I didn't run through the procedure, but I often (always?) get crashes when lifting a sampler slot and dropping it onto a synth slot. I have made a habit of loading a synth sampler preset before dropping.
thats the same thing i think
Have you tried to do a factory reset as well as format and then a reinstall?
yes i did.
I already reported this bug to TE, and they confirmed it.
If you want to lift/drop a sampler instrument to another slot, make sure the destination slot contained a sampler instrument in the past (since last reset). Best workaround is to initially load a sampler preset into all 8 slots, so the crash will not happen anymore (or at least until the next factory reset).
New Beta Version fixed it finaly!
Damn! I was working on a track for the current battle, as I just kinda hit that old bug again.
Just experienced this nasty bug and lost all my Data. Fck. OS is R.00225 and TE-BOOT v2.1.3 in the COM-Key-Boot-Screen.