I wonder if anyone has tried to sync LSDJ directly to any Pocket Operator.
It works with game boy as master, at least with nanoloop… is there any reason why you want the PO-12 as master?
With LSDJ, analog trig sync is only implemented to use the GB as a slave so far.
ah dang, I didn’t know that!
I’m doing it with Nanoloop v1.76… Never tried LSDJ.
Here’s my custom wiring loom, used with the 4-port passive mixer made by a member on here. I still need to shorten some of the wires along the top of the loom, but I’m pretty happy with how it’s turned out.
It’d help if I attached the photo!
This is a bit more like it
@MrJoshua Can you configure nanoloop to send an analog click on one channel of a stereo signal? Or is the port on the side of the GB something else?
@Eti that’s definitely possible, but it’d use up a sound channel. The link port sends out a sync pulse that is strong enough to drive the POs, so it’s better to just make a custom sync cable.
@Eti that's definitely possible, but it'd use up a sound channel. The link port sends out a sync pulse that is strong enough to drive the POs, so it's better to just make a custom sync cable.
Just managed to sync Game Boy with PO-12 (instagram video) only via audio cable. I made some click on every 2nd step. The signal from Game Boy is amplified by guitar pedal though, but I guess that some GB modification can do the trick without amp with some clever moding.
@pselodux what cable do you use to sync nanoloop with the PO?
I made my own by butchering a gameboy micro link cable. It’s not too difficult; figuring out which pins on the micro plug corresponded to which colours was the hardest part. Only two wires needed to be connected though—pin 2 (serial out) to the tip, and pin 6 (ground) to the sleeve, on a mono plug.