I am relatively new to this, so does anyone have any beatmaking tips for a beginner with a po-16?
how to make a hip hop beat and a dance/house beat stuff like that.
I know to put a kick on one then every 4th step 1 5 9 13
Hi purplez, have a google for drum machine programming and I’m sure you’ll find something - some basic patterns here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_3BxUMy3uy1Gb0V8Wc-TcG7q16Amfn6e8QVw4-HuD0/edit#gid=0
Hi purplez, have a google for drum machine programming and I'm sure you'll find something - some basic patterns here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_3BxUMy3uy1Gb0V8Wc-TcG7q16Amfn6e8QVw4-HuD0/edit#gid=0
Great link! Cheers
I remember when I blew my mind - I placed some drum hits in their appropriate places and pressed play for the first time ever!!!
My first and indeed the most basic dance drum pattern has to be like @purplez said a kick on the 1, 5, 9, and 13 and then a handclap or snare on 5 and 13 and lastly but by all means not least the hi-hats on the off-beat 3, 7, 11, and 15 and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sick back and marvel
It makes me smile deeply even after a decade.
@houtston great link by the way!
Hi purplez, have a google for drum machine programming and I'm sure you'll find something - some basic patterns here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_3BxUMy3uy1Gb0V8Wc-TcG7q16Amfn6e8QVw4-HuD0/edit#gid=0
Many thanks ghostly606.
Just what I was looking for, I can’t play kick and snare at the same time on my po, but I will work around it somehow.
These posters show how to program classic patterns
@purplez Best IMO is to listen to the songs you like and pay close attention to the beat, and try to recreate it.
Back in the 80s I bought a TR-606 and it came with a little book with drum patterns set out on a grid along with the notation, ah here you go http://www.worldcat.org/title/roland-drumatix-tr-606-a-step-by-step-approach-to-learning-the-drumatix/oclc/28538173
Back in the 80s I bought a TR-606 and it came with a little book with drum patterns set out on a grid along with the notation, ah here you go http://www.worldcat.org/title/roland-drumatix-tr-606-a-step-by-step-approach-to-learning-the-drumatix/oclc/28538173
And here's the PDF: http://www.synthfool.com/docs/Roland/TR_Series/Roland%20TR-606%20Owners%20Manual.pdf Used to own one of these myself back in the day.
Hi purplez, have a google for drum machine programming and I'm sure you'll find something - some basic patterns here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_3BxUMy3uy1Gb0V8Wc-TcG7q16Amfn6e8QVw4-HuD0/edit#gid=0Many thanks ghostly606.
Just what I was looking for, I can’t play kick and snare at the same time on my po, but I will work around it somehow.
Don’t thank me, @houtson’s yer man.
Thank you Houtson.
I love old skool rap beats, cypress hill Stoned Raiders for eg, like I want to work that one out.
Its probably really easy but I can’t find it yet.
But those don’t come on 1,5,9,13. All around 90 bpm (80-100). For older HipHop stuff I would recommend a sampler or sample player for the special drumsounds…
Yeah I know.
Kick,kick, snare,hat seems to be the way it goes but I can’t exactly make it sound the same.
Maybe an old sampler would work, but I’m just learning right now.
I’d love one, but I chose the Octatrack, I think it’ll suit me
Yeah I know.
Kick,kick, snare,hat seems to be the way it goes but I can't exactly make it sound the same.
Maybe an old sampler would work, but I'm just learning right now.
I’m from a MPC background but the OP-1 works as well for me. I try not to use the sequencer too much and tap the sliced drum shots and live loop them.
This is done 100% on OP-1 and mixed to album:
Actually, being able to define your end loop point on the fly is a massive advantage the OP-1 has on a MPC. You know what I mean?
Yeah I know.
Kick,kick, snare,hat seems to be the way it goes but I can't exactly make it sound the same.
Maybe an old sampler would work, but I'm just learning right now.I’m from a MPC background but the OP-1 works as well for me. I try not to use the sequencer too much and tap the sliced drum shots and live loop them.
This is done 100% on OP-1 and mixed to album:
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Actually a trick I found and use loads is that for a 4-bar tapped drum beat, live-loop one bar and then copy paste it 3 more times subsequently. There is you 4-bar drum loop. More chance to be in-time than to tap the whole 4 bar
Volca Sample possibly a pretty good ‘beats learning’ box on a budget. Quick for editing/trying out beats etc and nice crunchy sound.