Most Current Oplab model?

Can anybody help? I want to use Kamata!
Looking at the guide (since I don’t own an OPLab) you probably want to set it to Mode 3 “Dual Mode”. The Octatrack would go to the Midi-In I suppose and the iPad to the (smaller) UBS Device port.

I think you should get away with the Octatrack being the Clock master. In the settings of the Gadget make sure you have “Easy” selected for the Midi Input (you can probably get more fancy later) and the clock either on “Auto” or “Ext”. I’d start with “Auto” as well.

On the Overview panel of Gadget where you see all your instruments there’s a small Midi button below the instrument fader. If it’s yellow that instrument should receive Midi. When Gadget detects external Clock signals it’ll automatically replace the Stop and Play buttons with a message to indicate external sync.

If you can’t get it to work this way then try forcing external sync via the Gadget settings. If that fails you might want to invest in any of the Midi plumbing apps. I’m using Midi flow which allows you, beyond a lot of other stuff, to monitor what’s going in and out of connections. Very useful.

Btw: If Mode 3 works for you, I think you should be able to attach the OP-1 to the second UBS Host interface on the OPLab.

Cheers everybody! My first initial thought which failed in application was a straight connection via USB from the lightening port of my iPad. After connecting my camera connection kit >> USB cable >> small USB port on OPLab … it worked!
Thanks for your detailed information @crudeoperator. I had read the manual and had it set up the way you said to. I was bewildered as to why it wouldn’t work.

Why do we have to use the camera connection kit? I also wonder about the other modes and how I could utilize the other USB port. I’m only scratching the surface of this thing!

Thanks again guys!

Hi dear all!

I’m looking for a oplab for purchase. If you have one that you want to sell, please feel free to contact me!
