Most recommended 2nd instrument for op1

@thor 26 synths?! Good lord! what does that list look like?

well all started when i got my house ripped of with all my instruments, cables, adapters custom generators, Fuck me , that was a shocking depression , so my remedy was (was living in France that period ) a rally of buying- testing -trading machines as for what could be my next synth partner (i am really maniac with pushing thing further on of all things Hardware / NEVER USED A SOFTWARE)with the most romantic approach i can tell ya . a list yeah will follow

@Kites …demo of me and my wife , the OP1 and evel BLOFELD or all together ? :wink:

…just waiting for arrival of KENTON and BLOFELD, my little new Tannoys Reveal arrived today :
OMG, the sound of OP1 is so much better without using Headphone :-)))))

@Kites ok here is my list of synths /machines i bought or aquired by trade the last 4 years 1 BLOFELD BLACK EDITION 2 YAMAHA RS 7000 (twice) 3 TENORI YAMAHA 4 VIRUS B 5 VIRUS C 6 EMUXL7 7KORG RADIAS 8 MOOG SLIMM PHATTY 9 ARTURIA MINIBRUTE 10 MOPHO DESKTOP (3 items) 11EVOLVER desktop DSI (3 items )12 MEK DSI 13 SHRUTHI 1 4PM 14 ELECTRIBE EA1 15ELECTRIBE ESX 16 ELECTRIBE EMX117ROLAND SP505 18 ALESIS MICRON 19 ALESIS ION 20 VOLCA KEYS 21 VOLCA BEATS 22MONOTRIBE (twice)23 OP-1 24 BASS STATION 1 25 ROLAND 707 26 CUSTOM YELLOW SYNTH MADE BY ANDY BOLUS . all this are gone THROUGH TRADES MAN I LOVE TRADES AND TESTING apart from OP1 , SHRUTHI 1 . and i tell ya the best is by far the MEK (MONOEVOLVER DSI)

@karma_koma yes please post a demo of how you guys make “magic”.

@thor damn you acquired all that mostly from trades! Rad! I haven’t been able to make any trades at ALL, but I don’t have any friends that have much music gear… :frowning: let’s trade!

@Kites lets trade with pleasure. you wanna start a TRADE thread ? . I am deeply all the way favorate in the essence of trades, musically concerned i search for new/ other/ complex/ sounds/machines and if we deal as likeminded music lovers we hit gold my friend as we chose to leave money outside AND THAT IS A PURE OPERATION

@ hell yeah! Maybe I should edit the Market Place thread to include trades? People have been posting trades there.

Yes I wish trading was more common place, especially here in the States. It’s such a special transaction between humans, while currency can corrupt and dilute things, I feel trading would be creating bonds between people with similar passions.

@thor - holy moly that list! Crazy shit right there. Don’t get me wrong if I had money to burn I’d have so so much more gear but I would be constantly asking myself if I really needed it… and my girlfriend would definitely lance my balls away.

Back to the thread - I was keen on getting the Blofeld too - the demo’s I hear of it are impressive. Now I have my heart set on an Access TI Virus Snow.
In saying all that, I do have an Elektron A4 and that paired with an OP-1 is really special. They are so massively different and sound great together!
I also have a Monomachine which is probably my fave bit of gear, but as a pair, A4 and OP-1 anytime!

fact is my" find most trade all" mania started after i was robbed of all my instruments so what started as a restart of new machinery have given me a rather ecstatic and streched experience with insruments i wished /could have in my hands and basically i found out that I LIKE TO PLAY /HAVE FUN not get attached with an instrument or only sounds and the know how to make it . as for A4 i wish i had it but a boring experience of testing the MACHINEDRUM when it was released kept me off any Elektron . hmmmm now you got me thinking man

Now the Blofeld arrived at me.Its a wonderfull Instrument and fits perfekt to the opee. I stroogle with the Midi Implementation an so Iam playing per Hand to the sequences.Next time ive got the sync,belive me…
Iam surprised how tight the MS 20 on Nintendo is in Timing with rhe op1 Without Midi or something else connected for sync…
The OP1 plays about 10 Minutes now to an arpeggio fromm the Blofeld and is all the time very tight and synchron,unbelievable…it i got aComputer i’ll Post a Demo.

Now ive ordered a Waldorf Blofeld Desktop with Sampling Option... I will see if Opee and Blo become friend
Mate brought round the Waldorf Blofeld Keyboard version round at the weekend. Come great sounds from it!
@moduler haven't really seen the Sample and OP-1 in the wild yet. Got anything?
Only thing I got for now is this recording. We just funked around with the Volca Sample (the oriental like pattern) the OP-1 and the Strymon Mobius

Don't expect any sense though it's pretty wack but nice in a way :)

For me best instrument with the OP-1 are… Pocket Operators !!

I bring them everywhere with their fellow companion, now every time I bring my child to music school I draw them :slight_smile:
No reel need to sync, even on several steps, so it’s really easy to quickly record something.

Current faves:
Organelle (!!!)

On the way: Sythstrom Deluge-- which I think will be a stellar combo resampling and arranging my OP1 ideas and opening up some more MIDI avenues.

Some decent outboard FX. I would recommend a lovely old tape delay and a decent reverb (Oto Machines). Im thinking of getting an Analog Heat to beef up the OP-1 synths

@jonesy_op - I love the Analog Heat. I use it on everything. The filters on it are amazing as well.

This is a difficult question to answer.
Out of all my equipment, if I could only keep the Op-1 & 1 other piece of gear… it would have to be the sp404sx. It has a ton of effects (performance & sound design) & it has a ton of memory & it’s a ton of fun. Really easy to bounce audio back & forth. Both are portable. So many possibilities with these 2. Not only that out of everything I have the Op-1 & 404sx are my favorite pieces of gear.

MPC Live.

@Unflattered said:
MPC Live.

I was thinking this exactly when I got my live except I need my axoloti to get the midi conversation going. Now, I use the mpc live with my ipad on the studio connect; that gives me synthesizers (mp live has 0) plus plenty of cool apps that complement the live. Those two are unstoppable and battery powered.

I’m not loving computer screens these days but I still mix in protools so I can’t escape that yet.

I think the Analog Heat and OP-1 is a no brainer, especially when AH is so cheap 2nd hand. I have seen one at £375 and many at £400. I kind of given up on the OP-1 synth engines since getting the OB-6 desktop but the AH could add that (much needed) spark to the OP-1 sound

an OB-6…fark! yeah, i bet the op1 synths don’t interest you when you have a piece of dave smith’s brilliance.