Hey everyone, I’m fairly new to the OP-Z but I have a question which is pretty simple.
Can you create more than one pattern of the same instrument? For example, If I have a bass pattern and I want to create “another different sounding” bass pattern. Or can you only have 1 of the each same instrument?
Hi @james_boorman, you have 10 Projects with 16 Patterns each. You can create in each of these 16 Patterns a basstrack. The bassinstrument on these basstrack can change from pattern to pattern. You can have the same bass instrument with different settings or different bass instruments.
i often use the lead or Arp track for a second Bass, the engine can be the same but the Bass track can handle a lower octave then the other tracks, but it’s definitely really bassy
How do I actually do this though? How could I use another track (say lead) to be a bass track? Do I copy and paste the bass pattern into the lead for example? Quite confused as to how to do this.
There are different methods to achive what you want to achive.
Like mentioned above the OP-Z has 16 Project. Every Project can hold a maximum of 16 Patterns.
You change the projects by holding Project-Key and one of the Track Buttons.
So for example you could make a pattern in the first pattern-slot then copying the pattern to slot 2 and change the bass track in pattern 2.
So you have to pattern that are the same except variations in the bass track by switching back and forth between the patterns.
Well first of all you would need the exact same sound in two synth tracks (Tracks 5, 6 or 8.).
You can achive this by loading the same sample to two synth tracks i guess. You would have to prepare this on a computer.