New PO user

Hey everyone! I was referred here from the FB group for Pocket Operators and here I am!
I have no musical experience whatsoever so I’m basically teaching myself music as I also learn each of my PO’s
I got the 137 for Christmas
Bought the PO KO because 137 was lonely
Just got GAS and bought Tonic, Sub, and MegaMan because I had to spend my birthday money somewhere. They are all on order and will join my little family soon
These are some of the coolest tools I’ve ever had (second only to the Flipper Zero)
I can’t wait to do all sorts of things sonically with these. Oh and big shoutout to Dich Studios, as all of my POs will have the cases from there (I bought one, liked them so much that I had to have all of them covered)
Thanks for your time!

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Hey thanks for coming across!
Hope you get loads from this forum.
I’ll be doing a video soon of my workflow for the KO, which you might enjoy, but if you have any questions, feel free to give a shout out!
Welcome aboard!

For sure! I will definitely watch that video