New V-F! VHS Videomixtape (All OP+Biscuit+Videosynth)

Hey fam! Just released a VHS with almost an hour of trippy OP-1/Biscuit beats. Accompanied by Critter and Guitari Videoscope visuals. Hand decorated and home dubbed style!

Tiny Mix Tapes had some nice words!​-​f-video-mixtape-vol​​1-anthology-nov-2011-apr-2012

cop here

some nice sounds here, good job mr. :wink:

Great stuff @Virtual_Flannel! That Videoscope stuff is really cool. Now, I know I have a VHS player somewhere…

I have the Olegtron 4060 which can be used to make analog video signals too, haven’t gotten around testing it for video yet though… There’s a Youtube video of it if you check the Olegtron channel, it’s pretty cool.

Thanks dudes, @vehka Ill make sure to check that out for sure!

tv party tonight

Yay! You actually get shit done without the distraction of the Pocket Operators.

Yay! You actually get shit done without the distraction of the Pocket Operators.

Lol just as I read this checked my email and noticed in my junk I got a shipping confirmation yesterday haha!

If I only had a vhs player. Great stuff VF!

Dope! I love the concept of analogue video synthesis. Ideally I’d invest in a bunch of modular stuff, but that’s way out of my league. I still dream of stumbling across a Rutt Etra machine in a junk shop though. Great work man, that cat knows how to chill!

PS Is there anywhere I can buy that just as a flac / mp3?

great stuff @Virtual_Flannel :slight_smile:

Loving the Videoscope stuff, i’m totally gassing for one now :smiley:

PS Is there anywhere I can buy that just as a flac / mp3?

Yup! On my Bandcamp you can buy the mix for 1$ OBO

There we go. Figured out embedding BC players.
If I only had a vhs player. Great stuff VF!

Just collecting more VCRs right now and found like 3 free on Kijiji (Craigslist)!!!

Thanks homie!

For anyone put off purchasing the VHS due to shipping price. It has been lowered. Thanks for the support, y’all the best!