Here is a link to a new video kinda of randomly going through some stuff on my tape at the moment. Much more raw than my play-through videos but this is how it all starts for me (most of the time). I hope you find some joy in it somewhere guys!
Nice video! Great to see you back around here @djthomaswhite
I kinda work the same way - working up beats, loops, melodies and ideas to be further processed in my DAW.
Cool vid djtw. Inspiring as always
When it comes to playing a gig with the OP-1 and you go through lots of loops along the length of the tape, is that from an actual tape or is it bits and bobs from other backed up tapes that you’ve spliced together into a usable set?
Always wondered but never tried putting together a fixed bpm set from op-1 tape snippets cobbled together in say Ableton Live to work as lots of loops then exporting out each of the 4 channels as a AIFF then importing back into the OP-1.
Just wondered how you made your “gig tapes”.
I guess you must archive them and reload back into op-1 if you were playing a gig.
But wondered if these tapes were “artificially made” from lots of different tapes.
Hope you understand my question.
I write sets for gigs from the start of the tape to the end of the tape. Once the gig is over I backup the tape files for expansion in DAW and when I get a new gig I write new material.