That is a link for a huge database of patches shared on over the years. It’s not a complete list of patches shared, but is enormous and probably accounts for 85% of the patches shared in that community. I haven’t sifted through them all, but be aware that several operating system revisions have occurred over the lifespan of that list and some compatibility issues may arise, though not likely.
Maybe we could have stickies or some such for these addresses so’s we could find them easily. Of course I could bookmark 'em my own lazy self, but for newcomers it’d be cool …
so this was working a week or so ago for me but now the index page shows only “parent directory”. Anyone else have the same? would be a shame to lose such a great collection of patches…hoping it’s just me >.>
Just put some of the various sounds from the ohpeewon snapshots into my OP-1 and for whatever reason one (or several) drum presets crashed my op-1 and I had to restore it to factory settings. Good job it’s a new purchase and hadn’t stored much on it or that could have been some serious heartache.
a) I assume that the AIFC format changed. (Can anyone write a batch converter? I read somewhere that someone reverse engineered the file-format)
b) try to transfer small chunks. e.g. 15 presets instead of 42. (very time consuming - we need a plugin or app for that - and a retry mechanism)
If some presets fail - try them again - sometimes that will work.
I got the feeling that as soon as some preset transfer fail then all following presets will also fail. Just a feeling. We are unable to receive any logfiles from the op-1.
c) Thinking of: do we need a cloud based platform to store the presets? Rate them. Mark them private/public.
If you have any ideas regarding such preset platform then let me know. I am considering to build something like that. drop me a message.
One of @Cuckoo 's drum sample patches crashed my OP, but it only needed a reboot to get me back up and running. I removed that sample patch and all was good.
It was Timpanion.aiff from the Smile folder FYI… Not sure if it’s just me having a problem with it?
One of @Cuckoo 's drum sample patches crashed my OP, but it only needed a reboot to get me back up and running. I removed that sample patch and all was good.
It was Timpanion.aiff from the Smile folder FYI... Not sure if it's just me having a problem with it?
Happened to me too, with Cuckoo and other people’s patches. I wonder if it has something to do with how files are named. I recall, I think, removing the underscores from some of Cuckoo’s patches and then it worked. Or just coincidence.