Over the past year, I decided to deepen my understand of the OP-1. I’ve had it for more than a decade, but hadn’t treated it as more than a toy or curiosity. I set a goal of one musical idea per week posted to SoundCloud, and just hit that goal with 50 posts.
Some of the ideas use external instruments and some are only internal OP-1 sounds, but each idea is produced entirely on the OP-1; no DAW. I am now very familiar with the OP-1’s limitations!
Most ideas lack tension and resolution, with only a few that are more like songs with different sections. Constructive criticism welcome. Please take a listen!
One the latest is probably the best:
Dreams of Walking
I’m a poor imitation of The Prodigy:
Raw Meat
Like A Bird
Crab Aquarium
Also a poor imitation of a Depeche Mode breakdown:
Experimenting with noise and distortion:
Halfway Between
16 Tens
Unrestained Eyes
1980s Synthwave:
I Lost Track 2
Trying to get a piano sound like Underworld:
Remember the Pool
There’s another problem