Really hard to pick, lots of great entries; needed to get my headphones on to re-listen (the phone is really not the best experience!) …had a tie vote in mind but we can only pick one, so @motone gets my vote! - loved all the spaciousness of the effects, great timbres, and the great Buchla-style bleeps! (one day i’ll make a video…kudos for that as well!)
@LyingDalai a close second, great production, awesome bass tones, nice arrangement (some of the harmonies/pads reminded me of Download and some other early aughts downtempo)
@Dantaz-1 - what a great first entry! Definitely got a “Tortoise” (the band) vibe here, love the hemiola bass…looking forward to hearing more of your work…
@shutterclunk - really dug the “whip” treble sound as occasional “punctuation”, subtle parts, sample vocals(!) and dry mix which is something i’ll aspire to one day…
@Dantaz-1 I love the beat, the little synth line and the exploding samples. Hope you become a familiar of OP battles, your track is cool and I’d love to listen to more submissions of yours: welcome dear!
@psound74 this track could be on some Disasterpeace soundtrack for a retro game…
This smells good the live play improvisation. Nice chord changes as well, very 70’s
But above all there’s life/soul/spirit in this track, which is something I enjoy above everything.
I would have liked to vote for your track, but the Battles implicit rule is that you can’t vote for the track of the brief maker. Which btw I accidentally did while typing this text on my phone: would you mind, please, reinit the poll?
@shutterclunk this is pretty experimental man, I like the sounds you came up with. Welcome as well, it’s pretty uncommon to have a newcomer submitting a track in Battles, it’s awesome to have two! Welcome as well, and hope to see you again in next Battles! IMO the best way to experiment with OP-1 and get to know it better… Seems you had fun chasing sounds for your track ^^
@motone gets even deeper in the experimentation, reminds me of my first listening of Pink Floyd’s Ummagumma.
I got to hide to listen these tracks, you should have seen my wife’s face!
Thanks a lot to everybody! I don’t have english enough to give a decent feedback to you…but I’ll get better!
My vote is @psound74 cause that track almost make me high with those weird chords…amazing! @LyingDalai thanks for kind words and ideias…Now I gonna study to get a great “timbre” just like you. @motone mindblowing! Made me crazy to try some op-1/OP-Z stuff . @shutterclunk great to start with you new is always getting me stronglely. Love it
So, next battle? When? Jamuary? Who want to play? Now?
Really great battle entries, I had a hard time choosing one, but at the end @shutterclunk hit my taste best.
As @LyingDalai already mentioned: It’s tradition that the battle-host’s track (@psound74) is out of competition and not eligible for voting (sorry to @psound74, you’re track is amazing!). So I’m afraid @Dantaz-1 needs to change his vote.
Wow…so, I’ve heard everything again in my garden…phone’s on…and @motone took me into a great afternoon but talking about battle’s theme, I must choose @LyingDalai … every listening reminds me of so many great references
Great set of tracks! Thanks for the kind words and welcomes, and @Dantaz-1 - happy to be a newbie with you.
It’s hard to pick a favourite. Grooves that got my head moving, lush effects and such detailed experimental sound design throughout. I think @LyingDalai has a little bit of all of it for my taste.
Thanks for the brief @psound74 - this was fun. I’ve got a lot to learn… see you in the next one.
Thx buddy.
Listening to the tracks once again, one can definitely smell the Brazilian influences in yours! There is something about some crazy Tom Zé album I have somewhere, “Estudando o Pagode”. Can’t put my finger on it exactly but the first seconds can show your influences, indeed!
Hey, thank you @psound74 for the inspiring brief.
Every time I compose on the OP-1 I feel it’s harder (compared to the liberty offered with the Elektron machines) but it’s definitely an incitation to get things done, and I still discover tricks on this little one…
Congratulations to everyone that participated to the battle, especially @Dantaz-1 and @shutterclunk: awesome first batte entries
And thx to those who took the time to listen the tracks and select one.