OP-1 battle 71 - VOTING

A big thank you for your contributions, now let´s vote ´till 03.12.2020!

[mod edit] Here is the playlist:

@kln: “no undo”

@Kohlberg: “teef”

@F_R_A_N_Z aka Master Funok - “luckdown”

@psound74: “escape velocity side b”

0 voters

@KOHLBERG loved the doubling of the bassline and the saw!

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@kln I like your mixtape approach, especially the part around 2:50 min. put a big smile on my face. Thumbs up!
@Kohlberg my head is bouncing…big fat baseline…great drumwork and then the saw singing it´s spooky melody…Fine.
@F_R_A_N_Z drums are extraordinary groovy and laidback in the first part…when the vocals coming in I had to think of Panda Bear (which in my world is a good thing)…really love the freakout-build-up and „hardcore“-drums in the 2nd part.
@psound74 Wow. Simply Perfection. 12/10

At least there goes out a big „Thank You“ to @LyingDalai, for helping this dumb-old-krautpoputopia-man on a cold, dark monday morning to put this thread together. 13/10


@KOHLBERG, you have my vote! Liked the more unaffected, direct sounds here a lot! Good paced groove, too! How much do you use the “Punch” effect and/or drive in the main section?

Cheers to all of us for somehow finding time to create in this madness!!!


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Thanks bro! I don’t really use either punch or drive all that much. If i use drive, it’s low with release even lower, like 10 and 8 respectively? M1 i usually set to store eq settings (kinda sounds like punch when activated), and m2 usually a delay or reverb. In this case, delay.

I voted for @F_R_A_N_Z. what an insane finish! A truly interesting piece of music.

All of your tracks are epic journeys and you all make me feel like i’m using my op-1 all wrong! Lol :rofl:

@kln: I actually really dig the different vibes of your track. Complete tape, interesting journey.

@KOHLBERG your track always makes me think of this awesome demo of the Shruthi-1:

I really love your distorsion, buddy. Excellent sound. And cool video ^^

@F_R_A_N_Z solid beat, takes the time to settle, definitely a very nice use of the saw.
Excellent picture for the track btw :wink:

@psound74 you make me think I should take the time to sample my guitar ^^
Half reminds me of a beautiful track with a bored girl’s voice on top, can’t put my finger on it now.
Really dig how it evolves in the end.

My vote goes to @KOHLBERG! Extra kudos for the video!

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I feel exactly the same, when I am listening to the tracks in this battle :joy:

My vote went to @KOHLBERG, because the sounds are selected so wisely and intersting to listen to!
Also because after watching your video I read the manual in order to understand how to use M1 & M2 properly → thx :slight_smile:
@kln Very kool mix of styles & sounds & tracks over 5:50.
@psound74: This guitar is beaming me away and I feel like, when I listened to Pink Floyd for the first time (which is definately also a good thing) !

Looking forward for the next tracks :fire:

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Thanks for the kind words! No guitars were hurt (or even used!) in my track…guitar pedals on the Pianet do make (& match) some great guitar tones though!


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I know it wasn’t guitar, it appears clearly after a few notes… But the very first ones could have been ^^
I’ll investigate this Pianet thing, never heard of it. Sounds great! A bit like a Rhodes, but more on the organ side I’d say. Brings a nice color!

Thanks! It’s an interesting mechanism, keys are like a see-saw with the far end terminating in a “sticky pad” (latex rubber) that rests on top of a reed (so, actually sound production means is a little more like a Wurlitzer but people always called these the “poor man’s Rhodes”) with a tiny single-coil pickup with some of the thinnest wire i’ve seen! No sustain pedal by the nature of the design is the only drawback but 60-note polyphony!

Been lugging this thing around since college 1996, loaned it to a friend but had him ship it to me last year (expensive, but cheaper than buying one now if i found a good one.) i put a new set of currently available sticky pads and it’s awesome!


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Instrument mechanisms always fascinated me. All the more electric ones.
Almost bought a Rhodes, a decade ago, but thought I couldn’t justify the expense seeing that I am not really a keyboard player…
I got a Yamaha Reface CP when they were out, but returned it for the same reason: I realized I’m more attracted by grooveboxes than a simple piano ^^

I say this, but we have a rather good piano at home, and it’s quite fun to play with my son ^^
And I did preorder an Osmose (that should be the very last instrument I buy) because sometimes keys are just a pleasure to play, and I feel like this instrument would capture the essence of what is playing with a keyboard.

And the winner is:
@psound74 - “escape velocity side b”
From my point of view an incredible track, which sounds like the perfect melange of Pink Floyd, Air and Radiohead (when they were all on their peaks).


Congrats @psound74!!!

Now go and make a Pink Floyd battle :joy:


Congratulations @psound74!

1972 was indeed a good year for psychedelic music, just saying :wink:

Thank you for the great compliment!!! i love all of those bands, so i guess it shows…

Working on Battle #072 brief, should release it tomorrow…



Cross-posting here that the new Battle 072 brief is out!
Battle 072 - 1972 - OP-1 / Battles - OP Forums (op-forums.com)

Best of luck & break a leg,