OP-1 dead at arrival?

Hi operators

i got my new op-1 today … 30 minutes ago. I unboxed it immediately and turned it on. But nothing happens besides a very short and silent noise from the speaker. No display, no charching LEDs … nothing. I felt the power switch was somewhere between on and off. Maybe the battery is totally empty? What can i do? Really disappointing experience so far.

Don’t worry too much, @waldi.

Charge the little beast for a whole night, and try again…
When OP-1 battery is empty, OP-1 fakes death :wink:

Ok. I’ll try it. Really hard for me NOT to play with this beauty. :slight_smile:

Charging now for some hours, no sign of life. The usb charger i use is not warm as it is when charging other devices. (i tried different cables, ports and chargers from 1 to 2.1 A) Seems like the op-1 refuses to be charged. Could it be that the battery is too old or too drained?

Or shall i still leave it charging over night and wait … and wait … and wait?

Sorry for my impatience. :slight_smile:

If it is completely discharged, this might be bad for the battery, but I don’t think it might be killed by doing it:

Charging now for some hours, no sign of life. The usb charger i use is not warm as it is when charging other devices. (i tried different cables, ports and chargers from 1 to 2.1 A) Seems like the op-1 refuses to be charged. Could it be that the battery is too old or too drained?

Only thing I can think of is that maybe you got the on/off switch in the “On” position (down) still which might stop it from charging due to it being deep-discharged.

Sorry to hear about your experience so far. When you charge it, are you seeing the LEDs on the right hand side of the unit? Have you tried charging from a USB port on your computer? Can you enter the COM screen (hold down COM while switching the unit on)? If you can enter the COM screen try reloading the firmware.

Have you tried contacting support yet?

No, i did not talk to the support yet.
The unit does not show any kind of reaction, no LED lights, no display interaction. The power switch is off. I tried switching on while holding COM and i tried the HELP button. The only thing coming from the op is a hardly noticable, very short noise from the speaker when i plug in the usb cable.

Only thing I can think of is that maybe you got the on/off switch in the “On” position (down) still which might stop it from charging due to it being deep-discharged.

Does the OP-1 charge when switched to “On” or only when switched “Off”?

Ok … now i am really confused. I read some other threads here on the forum and one user said "Try unplugging it. Sometimes mine won’t power up when it’s connected to power/USB."
So i unplugged the cable and tried TE BOOT immediately. And it worked. First time some letters on the display. I upgraded the firmware, restarted the unit and now everything workes fine. The battery is fully charged which explaines the cold usb charger.

So now i am happy and ready for digging into the deeps of the op-1. Thank you guys for your help!

Congrats, have fun! I bet you won’t be able to sleep tonight


Great! Glad you got it sorted. Now you can work your way through the tips and tricks thread and enjoy!

The battery is fully charged which explaines the cold usb charger.
Might be worth while to keep track of the “uptime” you get out of the battery. If it’s significantly lower than let’s say 8 hours (half the TE claimed 16 hours) you might still want to consider sending it in…

phew. just came in to confirm if everything’s fine. congratz

Good morning

since my last post on this issue the op-1 refused to boot one time. I don’t remember exactly how i managed to get him back to life but it worked somehow. (unplugging, plugging, on/off, computer, no computer …something like this in a particular order)
Yesterday it started again with this strange and unpredictable behavior and i have no idea what to do.

- The battery is fully charged.
- When i turn the device on it simply makes this little short noise.
- When usb power is connected and i turn it on there is no sound.
- when powered off and i connect the usb cable it makes this sound too.
- TEBoot functions, but makes no sense other that testing the buttons or uploading the firmware again. (i did a reset)

This pretty much sucks since it makes this otherwise great device feel faulty and unpredictable. Another thing i recognized since i first unboxed it is there must be something inside rolling around when turning the device – maybe a little screw.

I hope someone has a solution other than sending it in.


Did you try to update the firmware? Try it even to override the same firmware that your op1 already had. It worked for me few weeks ago.

My OP-1 does not have anything rolling around inside it. At worst it may indicate a damaged component. At best it will be a piece of unnecessary debris which may be noticeable should you use the gyroscopic LFO.

However, you also have the unpredictable behaviour which frequently prevents you even using the unit.

It almost sounds like you’re in denial that the unit is faulty. Please don’t be. If I were you, I would have sent it back to your retailer. You bought it new. And one of the benefits of buying new is protection for exactly this sort of scenario.


Talked to the reseller today. I will get a new unit in about 1-2 months.

Thanks for your time! :slight_smile: