OP 1 Field Bluetooth MIDI Can Send CC with Knobs/Tape Buttons

Not sure when this feature got added but it seems like, at least over bluetooth MIDI in CTRL mode, that you can now assign CC-controllable parameters to the OP’s knobs/all buttons (including help/tempo and excluding the octave shifts)

Using bluetooth MIDI in CTRL mode in Ableton live 12

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Yeah it works in other DAW too
Good post

Original OP had this too, it’s a controller mode. All I want (which I’ve requested) is to be able to reassign on the device what CC the four knobs send out. When controlling another synth I’d like to send CC 71, 74 etc

CTRL mode on the Field also has a bug: 12 of the buttons on the left side of the device (Help, Tempo, Synth, Drum, Tape, Mixer, T1-T4, Lift, Drop, Cut) will send CC values if you press them.

Specifically, they’ll send 127 to CC 5-16, depending on which button is held, and will send 0 to that same CC after you let go of the button.

I told support this and they said:

after double-checking internally, the behavior you are experiencing is actually expected.

The workaround they suggest:

press shift+com> midi> set “others” to “in” or “off”. this way, when you use the OP–1f in control mode, it will work as a keyboard only!

But note that turning off “others” will also disable the knobs from sending CC values

But note that turning off “others” will also disable the knobs from sending CC values

right, this is probably what I was experiencing before when I thought the control mode could only send note values. thanks for sharing!