OP-1 Field reviewed on CDM

Hey all,

From time to time, I write and review music kits and eventually I got around to writing about the Field, for CDM. If anyone’s curious, it’s right here -


Nice ! Great read ! (I keep flirting with the idea of an OP1-F - I’ve got an OP-1 and probably will relent in the next year or two !)

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I guess I’m not helping in this case … :smirk: thanks for the kind words on my writing :slight_smile: I appreciate you took the time to read it and share.

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Great piece indeed.

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That is nicer to read than most YouTube synth videos are to watch.


Thank you. That’s one of the nicest things I’ve heard about my writing for some time.


Well that has made my day :relaxed:

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Hey @circuitghost, enjoyed your review a lot. You mentioned that the internal microphone is much improved from the OG-1. Can you (or someone else) elaborate on that? What kinds of recordings are possible with it? On the OG-1, basically you had to put the sound source right next to the microphone to attain useful results – I assume that the new micophone is more sensitive?


Hey, thanks for saying :slight_smile:

I use the microphone for field recordings and some ambient pick-ups, such as noise, domestic sounds and such things. I also use it to record acoustic instruments, such as the pianos you hear on some of the tracks in my review (that’s a Yamaha Grand piano, a C3 sampled through the Field and then used as a sample patch). I’d never use it in a context where you need to get a clear and intimate studio sound, but it responds nicely to room ambience and surrounding effects, so if you’re looking for flavour and yet maintain a basic audio quality, the microphone is excellent.

I don’t have much experience with the OG’s microphone, I was never really into the OG despite several attempts to give it a fair chance, but I do recall I found it too noisy and the results too muted, to be useful for me.


Thanks – yeah, it seems the microphone has improved a lot.

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This is something I did using only the internal microphone. It sounds way better than the old one.

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I also enjoyed the (non) review, I think you finally helped me “get” the OP1-Field. Nobody makes much about how “hi-fi” the new version is. I figured it was just about things being stereo, but seems there’s much more improvements over the original OP1, including better microphone.


the 32bit audio path prolly has alot to do with it


Thanks, yeah, it’s arguably one of the best sounding kits I’ve ever used. Just running stuff through it, into it, recording with it, opens up the source material in ways that usually just classy mixers and processors do. So there’s something going on with the converters and the signal path, including what it does to samples and the internal synths.

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Really thoughtful & inspiring piece of writing. Thank you!

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Great article. It’s definitely a successful review when it inspires the reader to immediately go outside and start recording into the op-1 field. But please please please edit it so it doesn’t give the impression we have 8 projects per tape. It still reads that way. There’s a couple of other typos/mistakes but I’ll get back to you on those. I wish I could hire myself out to all these blogs/websites as a proofreader. Overall, wonderful article. You are a true artist, sir.

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I enjoyed that “non-review” and the beautiful music as well. I am new to the OP-1 and have a lot to learn, but I’m impressed so far.

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Thank you, that’s so nice of you to say :slight_smile: I appreciate it.

@joeyfivecents my favourite part of writing is when a proofreader or editor gets back to me with twenty red marks per page :slight_smile: I just love that refining of the text, when something rough gets pruned. CDM are solid proof readers, but sometimes they rewrite some passages and I’m like, “Okay, I did not write that. But it works, I guess.” I’d love to see the contrast between my own words and those heavily edited. As for the tape thing, that should’ve been fixed by now. I’ll circle back to that. Thanks.

@opsr thank you, I appreciate it you taking the time to read and say. Yes, I’m still sticking with the Field, the teenagers haven’t asked it back yet.