OP-1 Not Saving/Filesystem Issues


This forum has been very helpful while getting to know my recently acquired OP-1. I’m having an issue which I can’t seem to fix. I have been following the directions in the manual and this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9WJ70AXffU but I can’t seem to actually save files. If I click and hold down the number to save that is fine, and I do get a snapshot once I hook up to my computer. However, there is no snapshot displayed when I hit Shift+1 and also any custom folder I am making in the file system using the COM function does not come up either. When I disconnect the OP-1 I can see the system script saying the files are written but I still don’t see anything. I did a factory reset to no avail. Any suggestions?


Never mind, I’m dumb.

Good thing you figured it out.