OP-1 PDF Manual Attached :)

I’ve nailed it down to a problem with the image on the right in the attached screenshot from the online guide. When “printing” to PDF from the website from Firefox, it appears as a low-res image.

When opening the PDF @SPAWNmaster created in Preview, the image appears corrupted. Therefore, it’s not a problem with the PDF, it’s a problem with the SVG file on the website.

After a bit of messing around in Illustrator and Acrobat (and PitStop!) I managed to fix the PDF (see attached). Phew, this was a tough one! Thankfully I work in publishing and could disguise this as normal work :smiley:

edit: ok, upload didn’t work, here’s the drive link:


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great! Thank you for the pdf! Would love Teenage engineering to put a printed manual to the op-1 box but unfortunately there is only the website guide and even worse is that it doesn’t work good on all mobile browsers like dolphine. so there is room for improvement.

Thank you kindly

Wow. Thank you so much for this. I was just planning on converting the webpages to PDF, but it would’ve taken forever. Thank you,

thx thx thx

That’s brilliant. I like having all my manuals in pdf format on my iPad. Makes everything so easily accessible, and available to read when I don’t have an internet connection too.

Hi everyone, I just bought OP-1 and haven’t read the manual yet, but I downloaded nice manual from some place and it’s in dark colour, so I suppose it is the short version, not enough explained, am I right? I attached upper part of the manual. Also, just register and want to ask, should it be better if I read the manual first or experiment first by clicking all buttons, might be silly question, though I only saw one video on you tube, it was enough to start using OP-1, but not record anything.

Would be nice for the eyes if someone who knows how to change the Unoficial Manual’s background to the same as it my previous post. Thank you for you help

I d say that you should just play around with it… if you don’t get something use the manual or one of the many videos on youtube… the whole OP-1 is build to discover it by “playing” with it. at least that’s how I always saw it … have fun and enjoy music making :slight_smile:

I d say that you should just play around with it… if you don’t get something use the manual or one of the many videos on youtube… the whole OP-1 is build to discover it by “playing” with it. at least that’s how I always saw it … have fun and enjoy music making :slight_smile:

+1 I’ve actually hardly looked at the manual, having learnt more from watching videos and just playing around with the OP-1.

If I have something I wonder about that I think I might find out from the manual, I just look up that one thing, which is how I usually read manuals; I make sure I know enough to get me started and not make any serious mistakes and then I learn the rest by trying it out.

@Able_ you may also enjoy looking through this sometime: http://shmup.op1.club/op1_keys.html

Thanks for this! I learn from both online videos and the manual, but having a PDF gives me a lot more flexibility when I am not near wifi. Appreciate this!

thank you so much! I wanted to do the same as it would be crazy to print the dark colored online guide to paper, but you saved me a decent amount of time :wink: How did you made this?

Sorry, I am unable to upload my manual. The message is stuck saying “uploading…” I can’t seem to find a link to the webmaster for help.

-The spawnmaster PDF manual crashes my version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, so I made my own printable manual (enclosed) that opens and prints OK. I hope this helps others with similar problems. Thanks.

This site is great. Thanks to all that have contributed time and effort to offer such great info!

Hi all,

I am a new OP-1 owner and like some of you here found myself frustrated with the online-only english OP-1 manual. I went ahead and hacked up a PDF version for everyone to enjoy...hope it is useful to some. I decided to create this as a separate thread for indexing purposes or in case someone wanted to make this a sticky post.

Attached are two versions of the PDF manual, one is a complete single PDF format. The other is a zip file containing individual PDF sections for each "chapter" (e.g. section 1 is its own PDF, section 2 is its own and so on).

The document is "live" meaning all links still work as on-site so if you click on a link it will open your browser to the corresponding anchor.

Now to get back to playing with my new toy..... :P


Hi - thanks for your effort here.

I’d like to suggest that the original post is edited with a link pointing to a PDF that prints/renders more cleanly, such as the one published by pselodux on March 2016. That way nobody will run into the PDF problem (like I did days ago) ever again.



For PDF version 2.2 of the manual, check out my thread.

OP-1 PDF Manual v2.2
