Hi all,

Hi all,
You sir or madam are a godsend.
Announced (ie stickied when using Vanilla parliance)
Thank you very much!
There seems to be a problem on page 33 that crashes the viewer (one pdf version).
Hi Woozle,
Hi Spawnmaster thank you for your reply. I’m on windows 7.
When I go to the link in Firefox it opens a new browser window that previews the document in google drive’s own previewer. If I then, still in the browser, scroll down to 33 I get this error:
If I then download the pdf and open it in adobe acrobat reader. The program hangs and eventually crashes when I reach page 33.
This also happens when I open section 13 in the divided PDF - the minute I open it. I’ve tried on 3 different computers, same problem…
Reads no problem in iBooks on iOS.
Try using MS edge, or Chrome. May be Firefox issue? Otherwise I would recommend just printing that page directly from the TE website
Just for the record, it’s reading fine for me, both in iOS in iBooks and on the Mac in iBooks and Preview (OS X’s PDF reader).
Tried variuos other browsers, same problem. I’ll download on a mac then. Thank you for the effort!
Nice! Thanks bro!
Thank you!!
I really appreciate this! I drop my PDFs into Evernote… peas!
This is wonderful. However, one request (if you can). It would print better if the type was true black rather than gray. I have been searching for a printable manual. I could never get the ‘official’ manual to print, since it is reversed.
Thanks for your work! - joel in Dallas
This is great, especially appreciate the white background for printing. Any chance you can work this magic on the PO’s?
Last post from me about this I promise.
I’ve now tried opening it in browsers, windows, mac os and in different pdf viewers. Still when I turn to page 33 it crashes all the time. The only place I can view this is on an ipad. I even tried sending the ipad copy to other computers still get a crash.
I tried opening the file in illustrator to edit the 33rd page, but it crashes Adobe illustrator when I select it for opening. The same thing happens in Photoshop just importing it as an image.
That’s it carry on!
Thank you!
For the people who asked about the grey text. Try printing in grayscale (just black and white) and the contrast might increase.
I just took this to Fedex Office to get it printed and bound and they had issues both with page 33 in the full pdf and the section with page 33 in the separate chapter version.