OP-1’s synth Sound-character

How do you feel about it? Do you think OP1 has its very own unique sound-character, or do you perceive its engines more neutral, more a ‚sculpture anything you want‘ kind of thing? (To a certain extend of course)

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I think the op-1f has very unique sound engines. They are very TE flavored, but there is one issue kinda missing from the discussion : the mutability of presets, or creation of patches. In that respect you’re somewhat limited, however you can alter the patches to create some totally unrelated and different sounding presets completely. So i dont see the neutrality to sculpture , but i see them as a very set blueprint or template to work with albeit heavily influenced. Again ofc, you dont have to adhere to that character….but the fact there is no initial default preset to manipulate speaks for itself i think

But to your question, I love the sound of the op-1f engines, and i love the way you can manipulate them. I’ve never had more fun “exploring” syntheses than with the op1f, but that’s also because it has such unique engines (coupled with their effects). And what’s more is i love all 11….very happy with them actually, not a sound I couldn’t find or make or want in there (and if there is, i can just sample that synth sound haha)

Hope that is a decent reply to a thoughtful question