OP-1 Tape vs MakeNoise Phonogene for Concrète-ish things?

One thing I quite like to do is sample some random old video from Youtube, find an odd snippet then pitch the sample really high. Then I'll use the tombola and put in a load of random notes and record it. Once I've got a decent chunk onto the tape I'll then slow the tape speed down and and build up from there. Its all just experimenting really, happy accidents are plentiful!

I finally figured out how to sample from Tape to Drum Sampler.

Sorry, iceritchie, but your OP-1 Cookbook instructions are wrong - doesn’t work.

The TE online manual is a little better but I had to connect the final pair of dots.

So now I have a “drum kit” made of samples autosliced from the Tape sample. Next, the Tombola!

Thanks again!

Really sorry, I should have said how I get the samples into a drum kit rather than just skim over what I like to do! Glad you’ve figured it out though, its a ton of fun to play around with the pitching, tombola and tape speeds.

@wolflgejon @governorsilver How do you do the tape-to-drum/sampler trick? It’s been on the list of “things I know can be done but … some other time.” for a while now. I’ve just done the autoslice-from-radio trick.

One thing I quite like to do is sample some random old video from Youtube, find an odd snippet then pitch the sample really high. Then I'll use the tombola and put in a load of random notes and record it. Once I've got a decent chunk onto the tape I'll then slow the tape speed down and and build up from there. Its all just experimenting really, happy accidents are plentiful!

I finally figured out how to sample from Tape to Drum Sampler.

Sorry, iceritchie, but your OP-1 Cookbook instructions are wrong - doesn’t work.

The TE online manual is a little better but I had to connect the final pair of dots.

So now I have a “drum kit” made of samples autosliced from the Tape sample. Next, the Tombola!

Thanks again!

Really sorry, I should have said how I get the samples into a drum kit rather than just skim over what I like to do! Glad you’ve figured it out though, its a ton of fun to play around with the pitching, tombola and tape speeds.

No, it’s not your fault as I didn’t even ask you how to do it. I was though pretty close at times to calling for help here. :slight_smile:

@wolflgejon @governorsilver How do you do the tape-to-drum/sampler trick? It's been on the list of "things I know can be done but ... some other time." for a while now. I've just done the autoslice-from-radio trick.

What I did was combine the hints presented in 12.4 and 12.5:


So, the GS-edited version of the combined instructions:

1. Cue up Tape to where you want to sample (not sure if you can sample it playing in reverse, btw)
2. press drum (the green button)
3. press shift+1-8 (to pull up the preset browser)
4. choose any sample based kit (ie. pick a preset you don’t mind overwriting, using green encoder)
5. press 1-8 (not sure if this step is needed)
6. press shift+mic
6. use blue encoder to select the Ear (OP-1 audio output - that is, the Tape) for input source
7. adjust gain and threshold settings using orange and white encoders. (white should be all the way down, orange can be anything I think - I put it at 0 dB to be safe).
8. hold a key to start sampling (meaning a key on the “piano keyboard” - specifics, people!)
9. release key
10. play the keyboard and adjust start/stop positions using encoders. (if you want)

Alternatively you can lift audio from tape and drop into Drum or Sampler.

@ghostly606 Thats the method I use - straight cut from tape, drop into drum/sampler

After the Tombola experiment, the next topic I need to study is how to lift, drop, join, etc. stuff on Tape. Hopefully the OP-1 Cookbook has better instructions on that than the bit about sampling to drum sampler, which was a quite a fail.

I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve only used Lift to delete a recording I didn’t like.

@GovernorSilver I only started using drop before xmas, it was quite a revelation! I maybe the cookbook might just be a little out of date (apologies to the author if this is not the case).

I didn’t know you could make joins on the tape - thats really interesting, thanks! I usually resort to massive washes of delay to paper over my ham-fisted copy/pastes, there are clearly less extreme ways possible.

One thing I found out by accident recently is that you can record straight from an external source (radio, ext. audio or mic) straight onto the tape for the full six minutes (with live effects on the master). Certainly opens up another avenue for exploring sounds, even if its just a background ‘wash’ to put behind more composed layers of sound.

@GovernorSilver What exactly did the cookbook say that was wrong?

One thing I found out by accident recently is that you can record straight from an external source (radio, ext. audio or mic) straight onto the tape for the full six minutes (with live effects on the master). Certainly opens up another avenue for exploring sounds, even if its just a background 'wash' to put behind more composed layers of sound.

You can also do that for shorter periods and set loop points, letting layer and layer build up. There’s a point where it turns into total digital mess, but a few overdubs can sound pretty cool. I think that’s why I started this thread. I had been wanting a Phonogene but was reminded that the OP-1 tape can do the same broken-tape-head-echo kind of thing and it’s easy to do things like wobble (play with the blue knob while recording… or maybe it’s green) and smoothly change speeds and flip things. The OP-1’s tape is (usually) a genuine source of joy.

I’ve had fun just running some Burroughs videos from YouTube onto Tape via my iPad and letting them layer; or just doing local radio. I did some experiment recently with recording the Machinedrum to the OP-1’s tape and just having the tempos match, but I can’t remember if I then did anything good with it (the OP-1 was just the most convenient recording destination I had available at the couch where I’ve been slowly learning the Machinedrum).

@jshell I hadn’t thought of setting loop points and letting the layers build. Thats great idea, I’ll certainly be playing around with that. Theres a really good interview with Burroughs talking about montages which would make for a pretty good sonic joke.

All the stuff I’ve done recently involves performances with tape. You can have the same sounds on tape but it can come out very different each time with pitch changes, stutters, reverse etc. Tape is my easily favourite part of the OP-1, its the best instrument on it.

@wolflegjon I know that interview. I’ve got Burroughs saying “Now these experiments started not on tape recorders but on paper” in slot 1/1 of my Microgranny :slight_smile: Then I’ve got a bunch of crazy preachers going off on rants. As one does.

@GovernorSilver What exactly did the cookbook say that was wrong?

you know those steps I posted? The cookbook got a third of them wrong. Order of steps was wrong too.

Sorry I’m not being more exact right now, but I feel like I wasted at least an hour.

So glad I bookmarked this thread. It keeps on delivering! Thanks fellas!

@wolflegjon I know that interview. I've got Burroughs saying "Now these experiments started not on tape recorders but on paper" in slot 1/1 of my Microgranny :) Then I've got a bunch of crazy preachers going off on rants. As one does.

@jshell Thats exactly the one i was thinking of, you are clearly several steps ahead of me! :slight_smile:

@GovernorSilver Agreed! I think we are all learning something new from this thread, its great.

@wolflegjon I know that interview. I've got Burroughs saying "Now these experiments started not on tape recorders but on paper" in slot 1/1 of my Microgranny :) Then I've got a bunch of crazy preachers going off on rants. As one does.

@jshell Thats exactly the one i was thinking of, you are clearly several steps ahead of me! :slight_smile:

It's just fresh in my brain because part of last summer was "the summer of cut-ups" for me as I got back into Burroughs - reading the biography, reading some of his last trilogy, even taking part in a big cut-ups themed noise compilation that I think is just about to come out.

My first recording using Tape Tricks and the Tape->Drum Sampler->Tombola idea. I did add the Gliderverb app for processing.

I have a lot to learn about Tombola usage - it got really, really quiet in parts. You can barely here the CWO FX. Love the dynamics though.

Looking forward to working some more in this direction on the OP-1.


@governorsilver damn that’s pretty.

It’s kindof easy for the balls in the Tombola to start sticking to the sides if you stop paying attention. I don’t know if this is due to gravity (green knob) or magnetism (red knob?) but I’ve had the same issues more than once.

@governorsilver Great track, really enjoyed listening to it! Its like experimental jazz in places and I really like the dynamics you’ve got going on.

Yeah - its the combo of gravity and magnetism that causes the sticking, I always get caught out with which direction they should be turned.