Op-1 USB sync

Will the OP-1 sync with the Arturia Minibrute / Microbrute via the usb connection? Would like to add the Arturia but not sure how to sync.

If you are asking whether you can connect the USB on the OP-1 to the USB on an Arturia, then no. USB does not work that way. You need a USB Host. Might I recommend you peruse this thread?

Would something like this work? I am not using a DAW.

Would something like this work? I am not using a DAW.

That would work if you plug everything into a computer, which is probably not what you want if you are DAWless. It needs to be a USB Host which would almost certainly be a USB A Socket, like what shows up on your computer side.

Ok thanks. I have a small mixer and was just hoping to record microbrute sequences into the Op-1 but have them in sync.

If you can afford it, iConnect mio4 is all you need to sync everything altogether.

Except POs for which you would need a translator such as Volcas.

Pricey, but you won’t need anything else.
If you plan to use an iPad, check the iConnectMIDI4+