Here is another little sketch…



Tight finger drumming chops!

cheers @ghostly606 !

Not sure whether this belongs in here or the Pocket Operator section, my first proper Arcade jam. The OP1 has a cameo role, acting as a basic looper.


@ghostly606 — this is great! really nicely constructed song, carefully planned and well executed.


Did this live jam, replicating Wintergatan’s “Marble Machine” song but on an OP-1 instead of the magical marble machine… Tried to stay as true to the original as possible and still using the features of the OP-1 as much as possible. I put in some instructional texts as well, to explain what’s going on.



Did this live jam, replicating Wintergatan's "Marble Machine" song but on an OP-1 instead of the magical marble machine... Tried to stay as true to the original as possible and still using the features of the OP-1 as much as possible. I put in some instructional texts as well, to explain what's going on.


+1 for pitch bending. That’s something I was not aware of for some time but adds so much to the sound. Nice performance and good tutorial at the same time

@Tubesockor Awesome! I see the lego wheel means you can control knobs with one finger. Interesting…

Thanks, @crudeoperator and @ghostly606!

Yes, the LEGO wheel was really useful here. I thought about using the pitch bender accessory on the orange knob but found the original pitch bend button work better.


some more live jams

Mason Self is terrific. I have no idea what he does, but it sounds great.


Hi all, just couple short shoddy jams, welcome to the world of skweee.




I made another video.


Hey @DKSTR, can I come over and produce on your deck? O.O

Loving your drums!

@heatseekerrr, dude that’s fucking awesome!

Yeah those drums are amazing! Are they sampled?

Thanks a lot! I made the drums (mostly) in Renoise, then recorded them to tape. There’s a non-breakbeat drum loop around the middle that was done with the OP-1 drum sampler too.