Fair enough punji… my bad for assuming. I just figured if he planned on paying & TE said no, why not contact a place that offers repairs if money isn’t the issue? He stated if TE won’t fix it he has to fix it himself. Why not call another repair service?
& let’s say he planned on paying for the repairs… TE offers that service? I looked around & the only thing I could find was TE offering warranty repair. I might have missed something tho.
If TE has a repair service (besides warranty repairs) & they didn’t want to work on it, I can see why that would be bothersome & I apologize for my assumptions.
If you have no problem paying for the repair & don’t want to fix it yourself, I bet there are other repair services out there you can call. I get they wouldn’t be as knowledgeable about the OP-1 as TE… but they might have more experience with fixing gear than yourself (if you think you can fix it, def cheaper then sending it somewhere).