OP-1F Drum Kit Audio File Specs for Generating Kits

OK, so what exactly is the file format to use for the custom drum kits for OPF?

I made AIFF stereo 44.1 kHz 32bit files at 12 sec, and the OP-1F just will not upload them to the drum folder…

Any advice will be very much appreciated!

For what it’s worth, it uploads the mono AIFF files I made for the OG OP-1…
I can’t seem to be able to find info on what the new files ought to be.

It’s WAV, although I can’t remember if it’s 44.1 or 48. I think It’s 44.1.

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With the latest firmware, it should accept about any .aif/.wav file. Could it be that the file is named .aiff or .aifc, something like that?

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Hi @KF6GPE @jko did you see anywhere in the documentation any info on the specs? It’s just weird I can’t find the answer to this seemingly basic question!..

@KF6GPE when you access the folders, the READ ME file in the Op-1F says “this folder accepts 44100 Hz mono or stereo .aif files” Did you see anywhere a mention that it’s supposed to be .wav?

The thing is, I am trying to move a “stereo, 44100Hz .AIFF” file, and it just does not want to take it!

So frustrating.

What I get from working from memory…

Interesting that it’s not taking the AIFF file of yours. Have you tried downsampling to mono? Not that you may really want to do it with your sounds, but it might tell you something.

dont the files need to be 32bit PCM
not 32bit float?
maybe that is tripping u up?

Is it possible for you to share the file here?


@jko was onto something suggesting that maybe the file naming was the culprit.

Indeed: the files that were accepted by OP-1f all had the .aif suffix, and all my new files had the .aiff suffix! The extra “f” was somehow disqualifying the files.

Considering the fact that the .aiff AND .aif suffixes are both correct, it seems weird that TE decided to be so picky about it…

Anyway, the files now do get onto the OP-1f although all my stereo files show up on OP-1f as hard panned left for god knows what reason, so making the drum kit requires editing every single one manually AND adjusting the panning. Strange choice that they start hard left by default, and not centered.
Anyone else noticed that?

haven’t noticed that myself, or tried, but i don’t think the extra f in the file extension is particularly unusual… you know, we have to use these devices, rtfm, and take some initiative and responsibility ourselves. user error is typically the culprit, not always, but mostly

I do not get that at all, must be some bug? If you contact TE customer support with some steps to reproduce, that would probably be helpful.

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Well, I did rtfm.

And, honestly, the thing about AIFF format suffix is that BOTH .aiff and .aif are correct, and accepted by the industry. If anything, the .aiff seems more appropriate since it is an acronym for the format:

So, all I am saying is that it’s perhaps unnecessarily restrictive for them to say, well, our device will only recognize this one “version” of the suffix. But, OK. Noted!

I am all for initiative and responsibility. Though you must admit that the documentation for these file management aspects of the OP-1f is rather minimal. To me it feels that way. Especially with them changing how these things are done from the OG OP to the Field. AND with the shift to stereo support. AND the weird need for FieldKit app for file transfer…

All of which is why it is so great that we have this forum: so that we can help each other, no?

Anyway, at least now there is a record of this, for the next person that will be scratching their head wondering why the files will not transfer.

Now onto the weird auto pan behavior: I will email TE and see what they say.

Sure feels like a bug. Can’t think of a good reason for it to behave that way.

i agree.

its hard to be critical without being an asshole, but my post was meant to be critical without being an asshole. maybe i failed. but thats on me.

Oh! What do you know: new firmware now recognizes .aiff as well.
I guess there was something worth correcting there after all…

Nice to see they caught that!

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I’ve been working on a web app for building sample chains, which now also supports exporting for the OP-1 Field as an aif with the slice information in the file.

There are tools in the app to create A/B merged slices to make that process a little easier too.

You can also load the Field tape files, import the tape.json and create slices from the tape split markers.

I will be creating some short videos on the workflow over the weekend.

The app is called DigiChain and is web based, can be added to most OS’s as a progressive web app and supports offline use. There’s a thread over at Elektronauts with more details and regular updates/feature requests.

I’ve been aware of a BETA TEST drum kit utility for 7 month now. I think everyone here needs that since day 1… I hope leaking this will not cause much harm, I will delete my message if needed.
The app on this page is at the exact same state than oct’ 22, but works flawlessly for me since.

EDIT: site now deleted. Sorry. I hope they make a public release now :slight_smile:

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when i was messaged that there was a beta version of a drum kit utility some months back, presumably by the person who created it, i was asked to keep the link private.

it really sucks that its gone now.

its hard not to think that you leaking a link to it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that its gone.

I know it is related. This link was from TE.
I was at the time working on an app to share to the world, I think the link kept me from doing that, and now it’s been more than 7 months and I see people struggling.
I understand it sucks but it is also time to release something.
Also I feel bad putting pressure if I do, but because the filesystem is very cryptic, it demands hard work of retro engineering, and if they don’t want to release information on how files are encoded, they should have release app as soon as the product was selling…
I can feel bad, but was also feeling weird about using a program and knowing that other clients cannot do the same. Would have been ok for a month or two though.
How does that feel to have the OP-1 and not have a proper drumkit app now ?

it would have been ok for a month or two? how is that your decision to make? dude… it wasn’t your decision to make, and it was incredibly self-righteous to do so.

how does it feel to have the op-1 and no drumkit app now? well, it sucks. because we actually did have one and now its gone.

it is now officially in an alpha release on the real website.

is at the exact same state than oct’ 22,

this is not true, it’s had several updates since then including the ability to choose the loop type (arrow icon beside the time)

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