Op-1f observations, likes and dislikes

My suspicion is that we have to find the right sounds for Disk Mini. I felt the same way with the OG - like, Nitro is strange as a standard dual band filter until you dial it in and get those VROOM VROOM sounds, then you have that “ah ha, that’s why it’s called Nitro” moment.


I used the minidisk when I worked up this little song.
I think it turned out well and worked for the song.
But something like this is 100% subjective.

Yes, I am. And surprisingly, I don’t find the field is much louder than the old one. Maybe I’m getting deaf though. :joy:

I should try a factory reset once I have back upped my projects. Thanks for the replies!

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When i was in the store choosing between them, the speaker was the biggest reason i picked the field.
I can understand now after just owning it for just two days why other people are apprehensive about buying one or say other equipment is cheaper and better. It’s just a totally different work flow. Gonna do my first performance using the field next week. Hopefully i get someone to film it as this thing almost plays itself. its ease of use over ease of precision a DAW gives you, that’s what i feel anyway.

+1. I loved the original, but the poor sound quality meant I would end up recreating everything in the DAW. This one sounds amazing. The speaker is so good I prefer it over headphones.


The OP-1 Field is several factors louder than the OP-1… with just a pair of headphones connected it feels like the OP-1 struggles to get enough sound out of it at times, while I’m usually dropping the OP-1 Field volume to 25% or lower because it is so dang loud. Maybe it’s just setting differences I have adjusted between the two, but even with nothing interesting set on the mixer… the Field just seems to have way way way more oomph on the outputs to me.

I agree. I usually only have it set to 12 o’clock/50% volume when connected to the mixer.

yes if you turn the volume knob up more than a smidgen, it blasts your ears off

Is there a way to have the mixer settings be saved per track? It is so annoying blowing out my ears when I hop between tracks :sob:

Love that they added this in the newest update :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


just following up on this bug and a workaround i found…

copying synth snapshots from the og op1 to the field seems to work perfectly. i haven’t noticed any problems.

as far as drum snapshots… if you copy a drum snapshot from the og op1 to the field, the field still does not play the snapshots correctly.

i found a workaround though.

if you load an og drum snapshot into the first slot of the og op1 drum utility, the drum utility will load the snapshot correctly as an op-1 import with the snapshot’s markers spread across the keys correctly, etc.

then just resave it as a new export and copy it to the field, and your og op-1 patch will playback perfectly :slight_smile:

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Seems to work just fine to me. Maybe worth making a bug report to support? It seems like something that should work.