OP-1f pre-pan


While still being an og. OP1 user, I‘m courious if the OP1 F - due to its pre-pan function on the 4 stereo tracks - is capable of pan tracks pre recording to make them behave as 8 mono tracks, like you could with old 4track portatracks ? Say, 1st record on track 1 left channel, 2nd rec on track1 right channel?

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Sort of… I think. I never had an old portatrack so I’m kinda guessing here.

You know how, in tape mode, the fourth knob on the OG-1 adjusts the recording level? On the Field, holding shift while adjusting the fourth knob in tape mode changes pan, so you can record something all the way to the left on a track then record something totally different all the way to the right.

You can’t edit it as 8 separate mono tracks on the OP-1F itself, but you could definitely then move it to a DAW and effectively have 8 tracks to work with.

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Great, thanks for the insight :slight_smile: I see, that’s a great opportunity.
Inside OP1 it’s good for the stuff you want to have hard-panned while having it on a separate track, for instance.

With a portatrack or its equivalents you could also turn the track into a dual mono afterwards, so in playback the pan knob was used as a crossfader between both signals being in center.

That is possible also for drumkits. You can have a stereo drumkit with a different mono kit on the L and R channels. You can set the drum sampler to either L+R (stereo) or A+B (mono) mode. When in A+B mode you can crossfade the 2 mono kits and each sample/slice can have it’s own value. It opens up a whole new way to tune/mix drum sounds at the cost of stereo drums.

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Great! Would be cool to have that also in the regular mixer:)