OP-XY basic questions

Pitchbend button affects some punch in effects too.

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I still can’t figure out what the LFO does on the Punch-in track.
The recent update said: “fix lfo on midi only tracks”
so I thought that would help but it didn’t. I tried every Punch-in effect to see if it could trigger an LFO but nothing happened. I don’t get it. Anyone have an idea?

I don’t think it does anything unless you’ve routed MIDI out for track 10, although I haven’t tested that.

Are the LFO destinations tied to particular CCs or something? What is it intended to modulate?

It’s like the OP-Z, where you can’t edit individual tracks. You can record track punch-in effects, but once they’re recorded, they move to the punch effect track and are mixed with all the others.

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I may have just missed this in the general clamor to find out all I can about this, but have yet to see anybody just play the keys and use it as a regular keyboard, which I’m well aware that it is not, but I’m curious how it does in that capacity, if anyone can speak to that. Appreciate it, cheers.

It’s like typing on a medium to high quality QWERTY keyboard with short travel. There’s no actual velocity sensitivity, it uses the G sensor to mimic that. Works pretty well, but it’s not what i would call a replacement for a general purpose midi keyboard.

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Thanks for the feedback

is the XY similar to the Z
in that u can have multiple input sources going all at the same time?
line in, usb and headset inputs?

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I believe that the answer is no…

From the audio input menu you can select one of mic, headset (if you’ve got a TRRS headset), line in, usb.

If you go to sample record, it disables the input you have selected from the input menu. So it can be different recording source than your input source, but they don’t seem to be able to be input at the same time…

Maybe somebody else has a different trick to try though?


just another detail that makes me realize how advanced Z is

it’s a really great hybrid mixer for digital & analog sources


thanks for the info dude!

I wonder if you could use the OP-Z as a mixer for the XY?

Headset > OP-Z

And then OP-Z > XY line in.

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I didn’t realize that you could resample on the OP-XY. This is a game-changer!

yeah it’s funny cause i would have killed to have resampling on OPZ or KO2…and now it’s part of the XY flow which is great

but i still some of the missing features from those samplers with envy (simultaneous input mixing or timestretch for example)

there are pros and cons to each

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I’m convinced TE makes the same functions a little different on every device on purpose.

Even the metronome, tempo, and swing options are different between OP-1f, OP-Z, POs, EP-133, and OP-XY.

Honestly it makes me a bit nervous about whether we’ll get slicing on the XY.

True. If you want slicing then you need to buy an OP-1 Field as well. Seems very reasonable :joy:

Anyone with both XY and CM-15? Getting consistent crashes when doing the following-

CM-15 plugged into XY via USB-C

Going to sample mode (top right most key)change input source to USB, turn 2nd encoder from left and I consistently get a hard crash. Unit must be rebooted.

This happened on older FW and most current.

Is it possible to change the pattern, scene or song with midi cc or program change?