In the weeks I’ve had the OP-XY I have never been able to have it send midi (clock/transport) via the multi-output. However, bluetooth midi, midi input on 3.5mm input (meaning the dongle and the 5 pin cable work), and midi over usb c all work properly. I’ve contacted TE support several times and they said this seems strange. I agree. In my opinion, the odds of a defective OP-XY are so small as to be near zero. But the problem continues. What am I missing? What might I be doing wrong?
Firmware: 1.0.15
USB dongle: type A (made by Elektron)
COM - set to midi
COM / SYSTEM / MIDI - clock, notes, other all set to both.
Devices tested with: Octatrack, Erica Bassline, Model:Cycles, Digitakt, etc.
Actually I’m not able to send any midi whatever (notes, tempo, transport) out of the multi-out. The multi-out works as an audio output, and I’ve not tried din sync yet.
Slightly confused when you wrote USB dongle type A. Do you mean that you have a midi trs adapter (type a) which is connected to the multi-out port and then a midi cable connected into that? Also, do you have the track set up with the midi engine and its settings? And have you tried the midi aux track (aux 3)? Sorry if these sound too obvious - just trying to figure out what might be the problem.
I’ve not tried a midi “track” yet, only AUX 3. Yes I am using a TRS adapter from the multi-out port which is set to midi and the midi cable goes from the adapter directly into the synth which receives no midi from the XY no matter what I try. I have tried multiple synths. Is what I am explaining working for you without issues? might I have a faulty device?
Not sure if you’ve already tried it, but if you’re using the MIDI track, it’ll send MIDI out with no further configuration. If you want to send MIDI from another track, you need to activate it from the project settings menu (press project > config > midi). You can send MIDI out on a per track basis and choose the channel for each. If you want to send clock information, there are settings in COM > system where you can set whether to send clock/notes etc.
hiya thanks for the reply! When I go to a track and press shift+track number i do not see “external” to turn it into a midi track. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
That will select presets, not the engine. Press Shift+M1 (the big 1 button under the screen) to access the engine menu. “MIDI” will appear there (on 1.0.15) or “External” (on other versions).
Ah ha! Thanks for the super fast reply. Yes, now I can choose midi, thanks! But, still I don’t hear anything. I tried “midi in” and the synth can control the XY, but still nothing the other way round. Highly frustrating! Thanks for your suggestions though.
Is the synth you’re connecting listening for MIDI on the channel you’re sending on the OP-XY? I don’t know if this will be useful, but I have a section on MIDI in the video manual I made:
I’ve had to power cycle the device after connecting TRS MIDI in the past before it would send MIDI out. I feel like this may have been addressed in a firmware update, but my current setup is using USB MIDI, so I can’t test this right now.
So theres been some developments. Stupidly I’ve only been trying to send midi from the XY to my numerous roland boutiques with no luck whatsoever. So this morning i decided to try and send midi digitakt and it instantly worked. So the multi out port is sending midi.
Thing is, my roland boutiqes are receiving midi perfectly fine from other devices such as my Push 3. So the settings on the rolands to receive midi is correct and its working fine from other devices. What the hell! Any ideas?
Update to OS 1.0.21 fixed the issue. My multi-output now sends midi clock and transport via a MIDI type A dongle connected to a 5 pin midi cable. I know for most users this function worked the whole time, but for me, today is the first day I can sync my OP-XY with other gear via this old school method.