Just did a factory reset to see if the bug I reported last week about projects renaming themselves “Untitled” could be recreated. TE asked if I could do a factory reset - after backing up my OP-XY - to see if I could recreate the bug. I couldn’t, so proceeded to copy my backed up Presets, Projects and Samples folders from my Mac.
Told the Mac to replace all those folders, rather than merge them, and then I ejected the OP-XY.
3 of my projects won’t load, either from the main load screen or the history folder. It’s actually the latest 3 versions of one song.
I make a song, give it a title eg MY SONG Ver 1, and make several saves over a day or 2 using that.
When I feel I’ve got a fair few saves in the history, I duplicate it, and rename it MY SONG Ver 2, etc.
Luckily I did this, as versions 10, 11, 12 of my latest project were corrupted and wouldn’t load. I did manage to find one save in the version 10 history that would load, but none of the others would.
Its shaken my confidence in the way we backup data. It should be a simple case to either copy the 3 main folders - Presets, Projects and Samples, or at least be able to copy a project from the Projects folder to a PC/Mac.
All other projects seem ok so far.
So my tip is put the name VER 1 etc (or something similar) after your project names and don’t assume that the copy on your computer will copy back to the XY and load ok.
I’ve copied the Log files and sent them to TE. Btw I am running 1.0.29