I’m trying to automate the parameters of the sampler engine (start, loop start/end) in a sequence but it seems the parameters won’t hold any automation.
I’m trying the same automation technique (record on, turn knob, record off) that works on other synth engine parameters but the parameters don’t automate on the sampler engine they just hold whatever value they were last at.
It seems to be a question raised a lot for the OP-XY, is this a bug or a feature? Has anyone been able to add sampler engine automation?
You cannot automate those sampler engine parameters in a sequence… at least as of firmware 1.0.25 at this time… so… fingers crossed we might see it in the future.
I think it’s unlikely will happen. Only instrument parameters can be automated and TE still doesn’t intend to go more granular with samplers. Samples should have their own filters, too, even if basic ones (resampling is the way to workaround it though).
Why on earth would you state that? … is it just trust me bro opinion?
The Z can do it and it would be the most creative aspects of the XY … In fact, I think the whole kits for OP and Z range are based on these sample chains …
This is #1 VIP feature, Key to what makes the Electrons and the Polyenes so great …
This is equvilant of the difference between some space junk and the rings of Jupiter IMO
This is just a tendency I see. Per sample parameter automation is not supported on newer devices (EP-133, OP-XY). And as far as I know OP-Z drum sampler is similar to that on OP-1 (samples are compatible) while OP-XY has a new drum sampler with separated samples per key. And I agree with you: per sample parameter change automation could be an essential feature on OP-XY.
Fair observation … I can only assume that TE know how much greatness lies in the automation of sample and loop start /end points on both KO2s and OPs… so let’s hope its on its way rather than it’s a fixed, the CPU power seams to be there
Just to emphasize this is not just some creative Chop-Fu Nija sword. This greatly expands it as a workstation.
Just to touch on that, Imagine having a selection of gendered kick drums, hi hats, snares, percussion etc. as sample chains per each note in the drum sampler, instead of browsing through hundreds of files and the world of possibilities in sequencing multiple samples per note via parameter locks …
Pro Tip/Wish: Round robin playback or random playback of selected sample points with a sample chain …
And thats just the tip of it. It be absolutely crazy for TE not to implant this.
On a personal level: even with all the OXY brilliance, at $2200 this might be a dealbreaker