As it’s possible to assign the pitch bend to the different synth parameters you can use the bend component to affect these parameters. However, the bend effect only happens very briefly on the step that it’s applied on. It’s a shame the bend can’t stretch over extended notes (eg. when you extend a note over several steps). If this was possible you could do long sweeps; for example, long filter sweeps, without having to record the parameter itself - this would make the bend component really interesting. Unless this is possible and I’ve missed a trick somewhere.
I think you can do this. The fade up and and fade down pitchbend step component (7 and 8) extend beyond the step and hold the final value, so you could use them in the way you’ve described, if you mapped pitchbend to filter cutoff or another parameter.
Thanks. I’ve just had a play, and while some of the bend components last longer than one step (eg spring or fade, which last for 3-4 steps) there is no way of extending this for, eg, a slow fade. You can do sequential bends without retriggering a note by placing a step component on an ‘empty’ step but it just repeats the bend component, not extending it.
I’ve also noticed a strange, possible, bug. The bend component doesn’t seem to trigger the first step on the first pass - it will do on subsequent passes, or if you combine it with a step component that ‘triggers’ more than once, such as the repeat, hold, or pulse component. Seems like a bug to me.
Thanks for this, useful information. Given that it’s so restrictive, parameter locking the pitch bend would probably be a better option in most cases. Only downside to that is that you need to live record it, so you can’t use the “parameter” step component to control it.