Here’s another couple videos with Will from TE going over the XY, this time on Gear 4 Music’s channel. Basically the same thing as the Anderson video, but a little more concise and Will seems to have taken people’s comments onboard from that video when planning this presentation. Thumbs up to TE for putting someone out there to show this thing off and talk about it.
The second video is on the arranger and mixer, and I learned some good tips I didn’t know. Worth a watch.
I found both of these people to be super annoying. Absolutely everything blew the mind of the host. At one point the TE guy said it has 8GB of storage. His reaction was “Wowza!”. Like give me a break. Let the product speak for itself. Stop trying to hype up every minor feature of it. 8Gb of storage is actually pretty low.
The TE guy kept saying stuff like “this is all you will every need need” etc. Let the consumer be the judge of that. If something is great I don’t need to be constantly told that it is great.
Maybe this is an awesome product but the marketing and PR from TE actually makes me less inclined to buy it.
I enjoyed that. I ignore the pitch, everything is hyped these days. This is the second video I’ve watched with Will and I think he does a very good job of explaining the main functions. Plus he has a nice accent.
I’m having fun learning this machine, I think it’s brilliant.
I have nothing against him and sure he did a fine job explaining how it works. I would just appreciate it more if they didn’t try to over hype ever aspect of this device.
A nice thing about the OP-Z was that it was not over hyped.
It’s not a lot compared to say a computer but if you’re of a certain age, as I am, then my 2 meg to 8 meg upgrade in 1995 for my Emu ESi 32 sampler makes me appreciate that 8gb in a portable battery device is quite a lot.
That 8mb of RAM cost me £500, on top
of the £1000 that the Emu ESI32 retailed for.
The top RAM of that machine was 32mb and you only had 2 RAM slots, so if I’d have wanted 32mb later then I would have had to basically discard the 2 4meg chips for that.
Having said all that, I do wish both the OP-1 field and the OP-XY would allow a USB C drive to be connected to allow for sample transfers without needing to connect to a computer