Some tips to get this working:
- in System Preferences, Security & Privacy you need to give the OP-Z app access to Camera. Then the camera should work in the app. You should take a least 1 photo from the app as it will then create the folders and json files for step 2.
- the actual folder for the photomatic photos is:
/Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/Library/Containers/com.teenageengineering.te012.osx/Data/Library/Application Support/com.teenageengineering.te012.osx/
You can put your own photos in these the folders and update the json file to match and it works! Will handle JPG or PNG (maybe others) of any resolution that I have tried. Orientation may be wrong depending on where the photos came from so you may need to edit and save in a editor to fix that.
The videopaks folder is also the the same place, and the ones I have tried work from here.
Use the ‘Show Package Contents’ on the is not the correct place for editing these files (they are just for the read only factory content and should not be edited)