Am really having problems to use an external clock via bluetooth…the setup via AUM (first connecting the bluetooth to the ipad (6th generation) i do send a clock which i either set up manually / tap or via external other hardware) just leaves me with a “stuttering” OP-Z. its like one of the devices (Ipad or OPZ) is too slow.
the whole thing via cable works really good. i just left out the op-z app, connected the supplied cable and it really works steady in AUM, without stuttering.
is this a “normal” behaviour…?
I thought the clock wasn’t supposed to be able to pass through bluetooth at all…
From an email teenage engineering tech support (teenage engineering)
Jan 17, 11:42 CET
Hi Mike,
Happy to hear that you love the OP-Z! The reason for us currently not sending midi clock over BLE is that we found it to lower the maximum distance between the OP-Z and the receiver before the connection started to become unstable. We definitively see that use of sending clock over BLE and we are hoping to enable it in a not to distant future. Probably making it a setting so that users can choose to enable it.
Oh… good. I tried for two days to get this going. I have an op1, opz and organelle in sync via an rk005. Had to use the DIN-out for the organelle, though. Now I am stuck with the ipad without sync. Maybe I will use another usb2din interface and run it via otg into the din-in… Well… it would have been so nice to do this vis bt.
Wow, glad I found this… I spend a whole evening trying to make this work with a whole bunch of different configurations on iPad (AUM, AudioBus) and also using my phone instead of iPad, just in case the iOS version mattered.
Glad to know it isn’t just me.
They should add a clear note to the manual explaining this lack of ability.
The strange thing is, OP-Z shows up as a bluetooth MIDI clock destination and source, so it leads one to believe it will work. Glad to have a clear answer.