OP-Z Bugs

Interesting. Ok thanks. I think I’m going to do a factory reset and reinstall the firmware. Hopefully that resolves it.

Make sure midi in/out are enabled. One of these is required for the app to work properly.

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Yes! Thanks for that. Enabling the Midi in setting fixed it!


I wish we could do that!

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the master track app screen stops working if you enter a sharp or flat note in the bass track. Anybody else getting this glitch?

Me too! Workflow 101 plz

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Anybody else notice that the master track, although amazing and concept is pretty unruly?

after I create or delete a sample by holding track + slot I will experience a glitch. if I hold track to switch tracks the opz will flash from right to left as if it’s deleting a sample. however, I’m only holding track and not with a slot to create/delete samples

Yup. Its super cool when it works. It has to analyse the keys in the sequence to find the key and it seems a bit tight focused in that regard. I love it tho!!! I use it when I make something that sounds basic because changing the keys does some modal type stuff at times.

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Yeah sometimes I like it…

But for instance, I have made a one or two chord progression in chord track, then a single not bassline, then I’d hope I could use the master track to change the bassline, but I find that it just goes weird from there.

Further explanation: So, I program a chord on a short track, then sequence some changes on the master track, with a longer time… It’s going well, but then I program a one note bassline, but when I apply the master track to the bassline with shift + bass, it mangles the chords. So I just want the master track to control the notes on the tracks I want, but it’s working both ways. I would love it if you could select per track 1) whether master track controls it, and 2) whether master track is informed by it. Does that make sense? I think it would be way more intuitive for me.

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You can do this. Just hold shift on the Master track and select/deselect tracks.

Thanks bud.

I’ve been using the function you mentioned. Let me give you an example of the problem I’m having:

Suppose I have a chord progression on the chord track (1x speed). Then I use master with a longer track length to spruce it up (8x speed). So far, so good. Then, with master track described on the bass track, I program a very simple bassline, also 1x speed. So far so good. Now I want to activate the master on the bass track, expecting the bassline to follow the chords. This happens, BUT, and this is a big butt: the chord track also changes on account of the notes from the bassline.

So what I’m saying is: I want to control which tracks send data to the master, and which receive.

Does that make sense?

Ah yea. I think, unfortunately, that the bass track is a master master track. If that make sense? So if in use it is the master of the track being used by the master track(say that 5 times fast :wink: )

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Same here, started having that issue after this update

Ah, I see. Yeah I’d seen something about that… I wonder why they choose the bass track?

IMHO Bass is more likely to have chromatic notes outside of the key and such… Perhaps moreso than any other track :man_shrugging:

I’d love to have more flexibility here, or even just change the default being the bass. Just make the master & chord the master. Makes more sense to me. But maybe I’m just seeing it from my own limited view, and others love it just the way it is.


I totally get this. Maybe we’ll get this in a firmware upgrade sometime.

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But doesn’t that contradict what the manual says?

“this can handy when lending your OP-Z to your friends and not risk loosing any of your patterns.”

So, if I would lend my OP-Z to a friend, for some days, I would have to tell him, please always start in “manual save mode” so you do not delete my projects by mistake?
For me, the “auto-enabling auto-save-mode” makes no sense and I also think it’s a bug.
I guess I will send an email to the TE support and about.

strangely enough
i believe this is a setting u can toggle off in the .json settings