Also, something that I can’t find an answer to in the manual - how do I save pattern chains? When I change projects they just disappear, so presumably there’s something I should be doing to get it to remember, but seems odd that it isn’t just automatic.
You have to hold a white piano key after creating the chain to save it. P > Play > Patterns to be chained > white note
w/ stuff like memory failure, i wonder if they got like a bad batch of flash memory chips or something (or wherever they store this type of data). hopefully its just a software thing that could be fixed :shrug:
Most likely just a SW bug… it should take a while for a thing that complex to get stable.
@mhllr said:
does anyone else have a buzzing sound (it changes depending on how many LEDs are activated) when connecting the op-z to a computer while having the audio plugged-in?
this sounds like a ground loop try a ground loop isolator should sort it out
Also, something that I can’t find an answer to in the manual - how do I save pattern chains? When I change projects they just disappear, so presumably there’s something I should be doing to get it to remember, but seems odd that it isn’t just automatic.
You have to hold a white piano key after creating the chain to save it. P > Play > Patterns to be chained > white note
Any white note will do? This is where I sometimes have chains stored , and other times dont. You’d think during a P + track number hold combo that everything including chains would be stored. Doesn’t make sense to omit that and require this odd additional step.
Also, something that I can’t find an answer to in the manual - how do I save pattern chains? When I change projects they just disappear, so presumably there’s something I should be doing to get it to remember, but seems odd that it isn’t just automatic.
You have to hold a white piano key after creating the chain to save it. P > Play > Patterns to be chained > white note
Thanks, that works. I know I saw someone else ask about this but couldn’t remember what the solution was.
Also, I posted this in another thread about samples but maybe it belongs here because there’s definitely something fucky going on:
@skoomsy said:
So I’m having a hard time with samples - mostly I’ve been trying out ones from, but I’m getting all kinds of weird behaviour. Many samples will copy over, then simply won’t be there when I try to select them on the op-z. Other times, they’ll be there, but sound like garbage on the device. Part of that is the default envelope settings, but even when playing with that I can’t get any samples to play properly (mostly they seem truncated, like a six second sample will only be one second).
Then it gets weirder. The samples disappear from the plug slot entirely at random. Say, I’ll switch to a different plug, then try going back to the sample, and the “preset” (ie the lit white key) will have disappeared, but the sample will still play. Then I’ll switch again, and won’t be able to switch back because it’s gone completely. No sign of it ever being there in disk mode.
Also, even when set to poly it seems samples can’t actually be played polyphonically, so that sucks.
I should mention drum slices work as expected so far, this is specifically for samples loaded into the chromatic slots.
It’s kind of a bummer because I had a digitakt for a while and really enjoyed messing with samples - I knew this wouldn’t be quite on the same level but I expected it to at least work.
It would be great if anyone could confirm if this happens to them or not - load the op-z in content mode and put any sample on plug 10 of any track, and eject the op-z which then automatically boots as normal and the sample should be selectable as expected. Then turn it off and back on, and the sample disappears completely every time, at least on my device.
@skoomsy said:
It would be great if anyone could confirm if this happens to them or not - load the op-z in content mode and put any sample on plug 10 of any track, and eject the op-z which then automatically boots as normal and the sample should be selectable as expected. Then turn it off and back on, and the sample disappears completely every time, at least on my device.
I have experienced this and reported this same issue during the first days when we received the devices.
After testing several things without success, I realized when connecting an iOS device that the samples that I was uploading and disappearing after a reboot where still in the configuration’s tab of the iOS App.
What I started doing since then was:
Upload the samples to the OP-Z
Power cycle the OP-Z (and eventually confirm the samples disappear from the device)
Connect the OP-Z to the iOS App
Go to the Configuration’s tab and find the samples there
Load the samples into the desired slots
I am not very happy with this setup as the iOS device is not mine (I don’t have one) but, it is a temporary solution until hopefully the issue is fixed.
w/ stuff like memory failure, i wonder if they got like a bad batch of flash memory chips or something (or wherever they store this type of data). hopefully its just a software thing that could be fixed :shrug:
Most likely just a SW bug… it should take a while for a thing that complex to get stable.
yea for sure, but tbh a lot of these bugs seem pretty basic in functionality.
samples, projects, patterns etc disappearing? cmon.
if ppl can find these bugs within the first few days of owning their opz then
one would like to think they these would have been found and addressed sometime in the last 3 years?
i’m not trying to stir the pot its just strange which is why i wondered, maybe its not the firmware, maybe is something different like bad memory or something
^ I see your point, with those bugs it would seem very risk for Cuckoo to take the OP-Z to a gig like he did, or for sammyjams to complete his album… it is strange that no beta testers are commenting about it, maybe they are still bounded by the NDA to say anything from the beta program. The OP-Z is using Micron memory chips, not dubious quality unbranded stuff, but who knows? I just wonder if TE engineers are on top of this or just taking some vacations after the OP-Z release :neutral:
@jamandibles In terms of the volume of the tape dropping there are two parameter pages for the tape. The yellow parameter page has the red encoder as the volume for the tape effect. Also you might want to check the fx1/fx2 tracks and see how your tape effect is being mixed there.
I don’t have a noticeable drop with my tape mode. Check your filter settings or press Shift to move to the output page of the tape track to check volume, pan, and FX settings.
actually you’re correct it was on the output page. did not even realize there was an output page on the tape track. thanks for that.
the hi-hat issue is funky though, i haven’t exactly figure out whats going on, but it seems the entire track is losing the entire sample base for that sound. it’s triggering but no sound is coming out. and i haven’t yet figured out how to always recreate the issue.