OP-Z delay quantisation?

I can’t figure out how to change it, seems stuck at quarter notes , plus the feedback seems to go on forever when I hit stop even at low amounts. There is basically nothing about it in the manual that I can find, other than the 4 parameters. Any ideas ?

Ok I’ve found answer, still can’t find it in the manual. You use the black keys, I of course tried this to no effect earlier , but didn’t realise there was data on the fx track interfering.

Im still puzzled on what the trigs do on the fx tracks. Fx send comes from the source track. Fx track applies what fx it is. Step trigs do ??

Trig conditions , haven’t got that far yet.

Makes sense. The fx features are still fuzzy because instead of a single insert, you now have two send fx from each sound track, and then the master. Multiple filter options are another bonus with the Z.