OP-Z EXOTIC Connectivity Tricks

change patterns using external MIDI controller.
you need a MIDIFire app for this. its a payed app, but it has most eppic functionality.
set range 0-15 if you want to trigger all the patterns in your project. set 1-2 if you just want to switch between 2 patterns.
make sure to set outgoing channel number to the number of your project ( so 1-10 )

if you have a mod-wheel on your keyboard, it probably sends from cc 1 , so set input controller to cc 1.


you can supper glue bunch of 5v and 3v sound sensitive stuff to a Pocket Operator. wire power and audio contacts to Pocket Operator. And wire a small low power Bluetooth audio receiver, salvaged from broken headphones.

teenage engineering logo on front of Pocket Operator is actually :hammer:+3v and :nut_and_bolt:ground.

:warning: soldering stuff to pocket operator will void your warranty :warning:



op-z as a wireless controller for a windows PC.
simulate every command and keystroke.
sequence macros.
can be used for playing game emulators, or you can sequence a click-bot for random stuff.
you can also use LDplayer (android emulator) and control playstore apps.

WINDOWS ONLY: :sleepy:

(windows machines have bad bluetooth MIDI integration and sometimes they work with KORG MIDI driver, in that case you dont need rtpMIDI. If your bluetooth MIDI works out the box than god bless you :pray: )


on iOS MIDIfire and MIDIflare are capable of WiFi MIDI routing.

(for nes emulator synth engines i advise to run audio true your op-z usb-c digital audio in, that way you can apply reverb and delay effects. sounds eppic but makes the system less wireless)


update on laser midi jack thing:
using npn transistor its very easy to make a cv controlled (fading)switch. can be used for more power consuming stuff like, 12v LED light strip. use transistor that can take a heavy load.
output can be sequenced or played back live.
3 headphone jacks held together mostly by a transistor in the middle:


wiring diagram:

12v led strip, sequenced:


this video just blew my mind :exploding_head: :

i have searched how to make this stuff, and its a very tricky chemical process. very hard to make at home.

but after some more research i find this whole component on alyexpress :star_struck:

…going to order it and hack it to work with op-z !
(probably, array of electro magnets behind it, triggered by cv, cant wait :drooling_face:)


roli blocks as a custom mixer
and launchpad for op-z

1 add littlefoot framework into your ROLI dashboard :

2 add custom script (ROLI-for-op-z) into ROLI dashboard :

3 add custom remapping into your MIDIfire app. (same download link, above)


op-z op-lab
(can be mapped to 12notes in the octave.
cv goes into esp32 micro processor, voltage -12 to +12 splits into 12 different outputs.
every output can be attached to high voltage relay to trigger higher power stuff.

i made this code to work with op-lab, but it can be recalibrated to work with other types of voltages :wink:

// read the value from CV:
A_read = analogRead(inputPin);
// Mapping between Analog read value to original value
Vin = ((Vin_max-Vin_min)/(A_read_max-A_read_min)*(A_read-A_read_min)) + Vin_min;
if (Vin >= -12.0 and Vin < -10.00){



Wow! You blew my mind! Amazing stuff!

Do you know if it’s possible to read midi data from audio jack?

BTW, I run blynk.io - you can build a smartphone app ui to control certain parameters on ESP32. E.g. control the LED strip color from phone, while OPZ controls the blinking.

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Thanks Pasxa :smiley::pray:
yes you can reed midi data and it gives additional 5v and ground, you can do many things with that. if you attach midi signal to infrared lamp its even possible to transmit midi with like a TV remote :wink:
2021-01-25 18.40.43
and i already have bluetooth midi on ESP32.
it works like DMX would, but im still working on it…


…i was working in thing in the middle of the night, and podcast was on with Adam Savage. this particular quote was very inspiring to me, so i made it into a mix on op-z, hope it inspires you too.


Would you mind sharing a schematics for ESP32 to read MIDI from the audio jack. and maybe a basic message parsing sketch? :pray:

Or BLE sketch you are using? Thanks!

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i dont have code for MiDi wired to ESP32. in my demonstration i wire LEDs directly to the MiDi jack and it blinks when ever there is a midi signal. (set only track 1 and 2 to output MiDi).
you can try it your self, take a midi jack and press LED to tip and mid.

where are examples of code online, how to add wired midi to ESP32, but than still, you have to code all the functions. I never took that direction🤷‍♂️
so for wired connection i recommend my CVmultipleXed code.
i advise you to wire the out put to an infrared remote of your LED-strip, and it will trigger buttons.

I can not share my code for bluetooth MiDi just yet. im working with other people on this project right now(adding velocity and CC, optimizing fast polyphony). i will let you know when its finished :wink:

how ever , here is something to inspire you:

his code in the video description, give him a like :+1::pray:.
its a very basic code, but it will get you up and running :slight_smile:


Good stuff @FunkyJunky I have a few projects in mind at some point, I have some ESP32, BBC microbit, and a rpi pico, if I ever get around to doing anything I will post it in here.

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thanks darenger :smile:
i think you might me on to something with micro bit !
unlike arduino IDE and ESP32, its easy to code, and it has already necessary MiDi frame work built into its SDK. i encourage you to try it out with MiDi. share your results, im very interested !

maybe wireless controller for op-z :thinking: or even po

…ehh i wish i had micro bit, this looks fun :space_invader::

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in this set up it analyzes sound output (mono), it possible to rewire to analyze the sound input. if you set it in stereo mode you can wire it to
show input and out put .

its a simple module, no codling required. easy to power, plug and play :wink:
you can attach power-in as well as audio-in from these pins
i can only use this setup with headphones or external seakers. because po thinks its always plugged into headphones. how ever it possible to change.
maybe with more twicking its possible to add support for analyzing input as well as output.


:warning: make sure to attach positive and negative correctly, mistake in connection has eventually killed this po :skull_and_crossbones: :warning:

just google this thing, internet is full of them :wink:
maybe audio lvl is not the most practical thing to monitor, but its very bright and adds to the show factor.


this is must be most easy mechanical arpeggiator !
directing 5v from MiDi to trig, and it works :joy:


example of simple relay to cv.
you can have multiple relays and set trigger at different voltages.
best use for switching more power-hungry stuff.

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Have a look on youtube at Captain Credible he makes some really cool music stuff with the microbit, that is where I found out about them.

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You could make a cable with a switch to manually step :wink:

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for sure ! It opens tons of possibilities involving all kinds of switching mechanisms.

here is ir sensor. works with any remote.
if you set up project with trig in mind.

… if i had bit more time today, i would have made laser → light sensor switch :man_shrugging: