OP-Z revival

Had an insane year where I had no time to do anything much with the OP-Z, but finally pulled it out to play with it again, only to find:

  • encoders popping out
  • retrig issue with the keys
  • bent

I’ve never been rough with it, it’s always been protected by a case, and now I’m looking at a 500€ device that seems to be disintegrating on its own. I love the design and the workflow, had a moment where I thought this is from the very first batch, so should I just buy a new one? Are the new ones more stable?

Still seems ridiculous to have to upgrade a hardware device after just a few years.

And yes, I know about the bending issue. This is just making me sad, and this is the soapbox category, so just venting here :slight_smile:


For how long have you left it turned off? Asking cause someone I know who’s selling it said long period with battery drained damagaes the battery too.